Monday 29 June 2020

Two sides of a bad coin

Autocracy and anarchy have always been two sides of the same evil coin since biblical times. In fact, people who have been observing signs of the end times are getting closer to witnessing the worst years in the history of mankind. From America being in turmoil, to rogue dictators getting angrier, devastating pestilences, and censortech taking over the rule of copyright law.

Currently, Germany looks like they are doing well, being on the top ten least corrupt countries list, as well as having fewer cases and deaths from the current pandemic than several European countries and America. However, not everybody sees it that way. The sad reality is that German democracy in 2020 is sitting on less stable foundations than in 1932, which was during the Great Depression era. Some people are even claiming that the "king of fierce countenance" from Daniel 8:23 will rise in 2021, the year of Germany's next General Election. This "king of fierce countenance" will, however, not come to power through the ballot box, but rather, through flattery, if Daniel 11:32 was a hint.

The past five years had not been good, especially when digital freedom had been eroded by censortech, cyber-security issues and bad comments that provoked the legal authorities to crack down. However, we must remember that the "beginning of sorrows" may have begun in 2016. For those who say that the turn of the tide began in 2017, it is actually more of a countdown to a final showdown between good and evil, one which will ultimately end with the Evil One's tyranny over our fallen Earth being terminated by Yeshua, who is coming back to liberate us.

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