Friday 19 June 2020


When even a hacking syndicate knows that TikTok is spyware, you know that we should boycott TikTok.

Recently, there has been a massive campaign on Twitter calling for TikTok to be banned, and most of these tweets that support the hashtag #BanTikTok come from India and Pakistan. The anti-TikTok campaign is proof that even if India and Pakistan are mortal enemies, a common enemy such as TikTok is what it will take for them to put their differences aside.

To be honest, TikTok is a terrible app. There are people whose TikTok accounts got terminated by the management for no reason. The censorship is horrible because it does not block "Not Safe For Work" content, yet it bans people with special needs, as well as permanently suspending people who insult the app's Chinese owners. Even Chinese TikTok users got permanent suspensions just for looking like their country's president. So, if you dislike TikTok so much, isn't it time you terminate your TikTok account and uninstall the TikTok app from your devices?

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