Wednesday 24 June 2020

T-90 Future Upgrades

Given that the Russian Ministry of Defence had officially called for the discontinuation of T-14 tank production in favour of restarting T-90 tank production as a result of financial evaluations, expect the Russian Ministry of Defence to receive genius ideas for new T-90 variants, including variants that would only exist in science fiction.

The first two T-90 variants are based on double-barreled tanks that were originally thought to exist only in the Command and Conquer series. However, the World of Tanks production team has officially acquired historical evidence of Russia producing double-barreled tanks, and they found out that practicality issues were the reason double-barreled tanks were rejected by the Russian Ministry of Defence, and yes, this proposal was during the Soviet Era, which fits perfectly with the Soviet Union using double-barreled tanks in Command and Conquer's Red Alert trilogy. The first variant is armed with the AK-130 naval gun used by the Russian Navy, while the second variant would be an actual double-barreled version of the T-90.

Flame Tanks actually exist in real life. It's just that they were phased out after World War 2. However, Russia might consider producing flamethrower versions of the T-90 in a possible World War 3 scenario, assuming that they have enough time to create any experimental T-90 variants.

Serbia, the birthplace of the Tesla Coil, was always an ally of Russia, not only for two World Wars, but also the entire Cold War as well. So it would make sense that in order to win the Cold War, Russia needed Nikola Tesla's blueprints for a death ray. During World War 2, Germany tried to find Nikola Tesla's blueprints, but so did Russia. However, neither country found the blueprints for Nikola Tesla's death ray, which could explain why no country's armed forces have the Tesla Coil. So the Tesla Tank is better off in the Red Alert trilogy, unless the Russian Ministry of Defence approves of the production of a Tesla Coil variant of the T-90. Speaking of Serbia's relations with Russia, when NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1995 and 1999, Russia condemned the bombings as "illegal and illegitimate." Serbia even blamed Germany for the break-up of Yugoslavia, and Russia suspects that their arch-rival America, as well as the NATO Alliance, was coerced into carrying out these "illegal and illegitimate" attacks against Yugoslavia. No wonder Russia and anyone aligned with them dislikes America. America and NATO should be reining in Germany if they knew that Germany was the imperialist power that broke up Yugoslavia. But instead, they helped Germany acquire vassal states and protectorates.

If World War 3 were to erupt, expect Russia to unleash everything their armed forces have, including experimental variants of the T-90 tank that would sound like they came straight out of science fiction, on their foes.

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