Wednesday 26 May 2021

35 Years in 8 Pictures

Author's Note: Having observed people portraying past years in meme form, I decided to come up with my own portrayal of past years. Here's how the last 35 years are portrayed in 8 pictures, now in comic form.

1986: Back when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, a reactor in the Chernobyl nuclear power station exploded, rendering the nearby town of Pripyat uninhabitable. It turns out that Chernobyl was a terrible name for a nuclear power station because Chernobyl in Russian means "wormwood", which is synonymous with bitterness.

1991: A pivotal year for the Allies as they not only defeated the Iraqi Army in Operation Desert Storm, but the Allies rejoiced over Russia throwing in the towel as a result of the Soviet Union's collapse.

1996: Metal Slug's launch gave the Neo Geo arcade cabinet, and the run and gun genre, a new lease of life. Metal Slug was also known for iconic quotes such as "Heavy Machine Gun!" and has since become an icon of the SNK community.

2001: The day the worst terrorist attack in history happened on American soil was believed to be the day the biblical end times began. Since then, America was never the same again.

2006: Nintendo launched the Wii console, which went on to be the first Nintendo home console to have unit sales that surpassed 100 million units sold.

2011: Japan's worst earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor explosion combo left several parts of the country's east coast devastated, and the area around the nuclear power station damaged by the tsunami was rendered uninhabitable as a result.

2016: The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Nobody, not even those who advocated for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union expected the "Leave" camp to emerge victorious.

2021: The year the European Union Copyright Directive, as well as Japan's copyright regulations that prohibits manga piracy, comes into force. Everybody fears that the copyright regulations will censor the Internet by getting rid of copyright infringement first before turning their attention towards those who call the European Union undemocratic, which they obviously are.

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