Monday 10 May 2021

Being positive in the midst of negativity

The current pandemic had recently gotten worse, and it is pushing our self-control to the breaking point. For years, we have been bottling up our anger against all the wrongs on this Earth. But the pandemic has made us snap and vent our anger on all the injustices that have happened for too many years, and there had been unnecessary property damage as a result. Unfortunately, dictatorial rule over several parts of the Earth will be the new normal by the time the pestilence ends. To make matters worse, the pestilences and the dictatorial rule were actually predicted by Bible prophecy. According to Revelation 17:8, there is a beast that was, and currently, is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit, only to go to its destruction. Even rogue dictators will join the beast that was, and is not, and yet it is in heading for their own demise at the hands of Jesus when he comes again. After Jesus arrives to take back the Earth, pandemics and pestilences will be no more.

Bible prophecy is both scary and weird. But it also brings wonderful news for all who read the Bible verses.

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