Wednesday 23 June 2021

Gotta Eat Fast

A comic with an actual hedgehog? The hedgehog in this comic is not Sonic, but the comic's title is associated with Sonic's "Gotta Go Fast" catchphrase.

The hedgehog's owner wearing blue as well as the blue wall and the blue dishes could just be a coincidental reference to Sonic and Sega.

Yes, real-life hedgehogs do eat carrots and cat food. In Sonic X, Sonic does not like cat food, unlike the hedgehog in this comic who happily eats the carrot slices and the cat food his owner gave to him. This means that real-life hedgehogs are better than Sonic in some ways, even if many of them cannot live up to 10 years, let alone 30...

Happy 30th Anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog. You made hedgehogs popular animals on the Internet.

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