Saturday 5 June 2021

Numbered Days

Author's Note: This comic could mark the webcomic's end of the road, as well as the end of an era, for the Internet will never be the same again from next Monday onwards...

It's official. The Internet that we all grew up with, and the concept of the "Free World", are all things of the past now. It's not just dictator-administered rogue nations that are bringing the Golden Age of "Pax Americana" and "Pax Britannica" to an end. If only we came to the realization that Europe wanted to shed their robes of democracy in exchange for an autocratic superstate akin to the Roman Empire, we would have united against this monstrous beast. But we failed. And it's not just Europe that will pay the price. Even other people who live in countries that are not part of the European Union are now being subjected to the European Union's jurisdiction. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a good example of the European Union being autocratic. This regulation is going beyond the European Union's borders by being enforced on territories that are not part of the European Union, from Bolivia to Belize, San Francisco to Seoul, Trondheim to Timbuktu, Kaohsiung to Kyoto, no region is exempted from the European Union's cyberspace regulations. This is why rogue dictators are losing their minds. They do not fear America. Rather, their real enemy is Germany's shadow government, and this shadow government wants to enforce their will upon the Earth. Such actions will bring about World War 3, and there have been many debates over which incident was the first shot of World War 3, from the break-up of Yugoslavia that began in 1991, to the European Union's hostile takeover of Internet copyright law in 2019. Eventually, all of this leads to a final showdown between the Resurrected Roman Empire and rival dictators. A final showdown that could result in no flesh being saved and the Earth in a state of total desolation...

Update: The European Union Copyright Directive came into force, but I am still around. I guess I can continue to be a content creator for now...

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