Sunday 29 August 2021

Undeniable Truth

It's official. The Golden Age that was Pax Britannica and Pax Americana is officially over, and we can deny it no longer. However, this depressing end was prophesied in Leviticus 26:14-39 and Deuteronomy 28:15-68 regarding the consequences of violating the God-given laws stated in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Had we known that the United States and the British Commonwealth were descendants of Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh, we would do anything to slow down the inevitable downfall of the United States and the British Commonwealth. Unfortunately, it's already too late to prevent this tragic demise. The sad fate of the United States and the British Commonwealth going to suffer the same tragic fate as the Israelite Empire will perhaps happen within our lifetime...

Saturday 28 August 2021

Done with Shrimp Consumption

According to the dietary rules of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, fish that have fins and scales are good for eating. Shrimps, however, do not qualify for this criteria, and are not to be eaten by mankind. Unfortunately, the dietary rules of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 had been disregarded, and humanity had paid a terrible price for violating these rules.

But the biblical dietary guidelines forbidding us from eating shrimps are only the tip of the iceberg. To prove that Old Testament dietary guidelines are worth upholding, we must uncover other reasons not to eat shrimps.

Shrimps, being bottom feeders, should not be eaten by humans because of the toxins bottom feeders consume. That is why we should not eat shrimps. God clearly does not want us to eat anything that's toxic.

Then there's environmental reasons. Trawler fishing for wild shrimps have been killing "bycatch" fishes such as sharks, sea turtles, starfishes and fishes that so happen to have fins and scales. Shrimp farming is no better either because it has destroyed mangroves and the chemical usage involved is appalling. As a result, the land becomes uninhabitable after the shrimp farms leave the area.

Yet the consumption of seafood that do not have fins and scales such as shrimps restore life points in RuneScape, and the player characters do not get any real-life health problems that people in real life such as RuneScape players get from eating shrimps. Perhaps it was a good decision for me to quit RuneScape and never to return to the game again. Who knows what controversies will Jagex and the RuneScape game run into in the future?

Perhaps it's time we removed shrimp cocktails and tempura from our menus in order to comply with the dietary rules of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 that were never abolished when the New Testament was first published...

RuneScape © Jagex.

Friday 27 August 2021

Obadiah's Prophecy

According to the Book of Obadiah, the descendants of Esau will go extinct for all the evils they did to the descendants of Jacob since ancient times, which will be fulfilled as a result of the dreaded Day of the Lord, which will end with Jesus Christ's Second Coming bringing this evil age to an end, ushering in a genuine golden age. Although Edom was wiped off the map, it is unknown where the modern descendants of the Edomites have gone to. Some claim they are now residing in Asia Minor or Central Asia. But we do not know if those claims are true. Psalms 83 states that Edom will be part of a sinister plot to blot out the name of Israel forever. This plot will fail miserably in spite of the amount of bloodshed involved because the evildoers will be smitten by a grand coalition of Russo-Asiatic hordes known in Revelation 16:12 as the "Kings of the East".

However, the descendants of Esau will get one last chance at life when they get resurrected for judgement at the Great White Throne along with everyone else who was not resurrected at the start of the 1000 years of Christ's reign on Earth. How many of Esau's descendants will end up in the Lake of Fire we do not know...

Thursday 26 August 2021

Bronze Sky, Iron Ground

According to Deuteronomy 28:23, one of the consequences of disobeying God was that the sky will become like bronze, and the ground like iron. However, this is not about the sky literally becoming bronze and the ground literally becoming iron. It just symbolizes poor harvest.

Currently, the (modern) descendants of the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Judah are now on the outer edges of the absolute worst times mankind will ever know. This is terribly bad, especially for the Gentiles who chose to befriend these three tribes that come from the lineage of Jacob. When the Great Tribulation begins, Gentiles will be forbidden from standing with the nations descended from the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Judah, and will be severely punished for doing so. We are already seeing this situation in the Anglosphere already, in particular, the United States of America. America's bread basket is at the mercy of the consequences of disobeying God. Unless America repents, which is very unlikely as it is possibly too late for any real repentance, America and its genuine allies are going to be in for the stuff of nightmares...

Monday 23 August 2021

30 Years of Purple Power

Today marks the 30th Anniversary of the launch of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in the United States and Canada in 1991. Back then, those two countries where the purple SNES was launched in were very stable, which was good for the rest of the world. Where have all those happy days from the Console Wars between Nintendo, Sega and NEC gone? The United States and Canada was not in such a terrible shape back then. Now we are living in turbulent times where speaking the truth is potentially a crime, and Fair Use is being phased out. How those good times disappeared before our very eyes...

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Random Clawshots

If Link could randomly fire his clawshot, who knows what his clawshot would grapple on...

It's hilarious to see the lower part of Princess Peach's dress get ripped off, exposing her panties, and it's even more hilarious if she was wearing striped panties.

Magikoopas are warlocks who transmute brick blocks into various objects such as Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Spinies, coins and mushrooms. Kamek is the most prominent Magikoopa, and snatching his wand will render him unable to transmute brick blocks into Goombas, Koopa Troopas and Spinies.

Sega confirmed that Dr Eggman's moustache is fake. Therefore, ripping it off would be the best way to humiliate him, and yes, that is Mega Drive Dr Eggman that got his moustache ripped off.

For those worried about people losing their heads, the Dr Wily that lost his head was the fake that fooled Mega Man, allowing the real Dr Wily to live to fight another day.

Mr Krabs is notorious for his obsession with money and greed, and he is gasping over his dollar bill being snatched away by a random clawshot.

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Nice Swimsuit

Female swimsuits tend to attract a lot of attention at the beach, specifically the swimsuits without shoulder straps.

The swimsuit featured in this comic comes from MapleStory's Cash Shop, a place where you can purchase many wacky different outfits, including swimwear.

Click here to know where the inspiration for this comic comes from.

Sunday 8 August 2021

Video Game Television

Credits to Norwegian RuneScape YouTuber Will Miss It for the idea for this comic.

If only there were better television shows based on video games, then only we would stop taking our TV shows for granted, including TV shows based on video games.

Here are some good TV shows based on video games that do not exist but we wished they existed:

Breaking Bubsy
Based on: Breaking Bad

Bubsy struggles to survive in a society that totally dislikes him while everyone makes his life miserable.

Everybody Hates Bubsy
Based on: Everybody Hates Chris

Similar to Breaking Bubsy, but with people who dislike Bubsy out to get him dead.

Kusoge Kombat
Based on: The Mortal Kombat cartoon

Kusoge game characters such as Wynn from Mystery of Atlantis, Gonbe and Tago from Ikki, and Spelunker, fight to the bitter end against each other for their personal survival.

So You Think You Can Fight
Based on: So You Think You Can Dance

Basically a combat-themed version of So You Think You Can Dance. Contestants have to beat up various objects such as a sandbag.

The Kloffice
Based on: The Office

Let's face it. The Kloffice will be the closest thing Klonoa will ever have to having a white-collar job, and Isabelle from Animal Crossing could just be one of his co-workers.

Last Noob Standing
Based on: Last Man Standing

The weakest characters in video game history battle each other to the death. In this case, Dan Hibiki from Street Fighter emerged victorious with Bubsy and a RuneScape Noob laying dead on the floor. Enjoy your moment of victory while you can, Dan Hibiki. You will still be considered very low in the Street Fighter character rankings list.

Whose Ability Is It Anyway
Based on: Whose Line Is It Anyway

Whose Line Is It Anyway features multiple different games performed by the performers. One of the games performed by the performers is Foreign Film Dub. In video games, cutscenes are basically the equivalent of film, which is why Foreign Cutscene Dub is one of the games performed in Whose Ability Is It Anyway.

Lemmings Invasion
Based on: Rabbids Invasion

While Rabbids Invasion revolves around the Rabbids coming to our society, Lemmings Invasion revolves around the Lemmings coming to our society. At least the Lemmings will be better than the Rabbids, assuming the Lemmings do not self-destruct...

Mii Vs Food
Based on: Man Vs Food

A Mii wearing a chef hat arms himself with a kitchen knife to slice his way through various food-based enemies, including Mr Hot Dog, Mr Egg and Mr Pickle from BurgerTime.

The Browser Wars

This show is all about Internet web browsers fighting a long war against each other. The various browsers warring against each other include Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Super Smash Bros Supercade Smackdown
Based on: Saturday Supercade

Remember Saturday Supercade? Well, imagine if Super Smash Bros had a TV series, it would aim to relive the glory days of Saturday Supercade. This is a show we would definitely watch.

Please be mindful that this comic was designed before Microsoft announced the end of support for Internet Explorer.

Saturday 7 August 2021

The Road Ahead

Let's face the reality. The Dark Times have gotten a lot darker as the Bible prophecies foretold. However, this bad news is actually preceding the best good news ever, and it's about being liberated from the evils that this Earth is suffering from since Genesis 3.

To say that I am acting like Jeremiah, you must remember that despite being one of the Holy Bible's biggest prophets of doom, Jeremiah was also one of the Holy Bible's biggest messengers of hope as well. That's why there is a glow of light at the end of the road symbolising The End of the Dark Times.

Speaking of a light at the end of the road, this year's Singapore National Day Theme Song is called "The Road Ahead", which this comic's title happens to be named after, and it is about facing the future.

Here is the music video for The Road Ahead:

If you think I do not like being positive, keep in mind that I actually like being positive. However, I am not positive about the future right now because the turbulent times are going to be even more turbulent than they normally would. This means that the Bible's prophecies concerning these turbulent times are finally being fulfilled slowly but surely...

Thursday 5 August 2021

Justice for the Homeless

The sad reality about Los Angeles is that homelessness is being criminalized, and Tokyo's Olympic Games did a lot of harm to the homeless people of this great metropolis by forcing the police to forcefully evict homeless people, when we should instead take pity on them and help them find shelter, which several organisations in Singapore did during the early days of the current pandemic. With so many injustices going on and personal freedoms on the decline, even a loving and caring God who is slow to anger is being pushed to the limit to the point he will take action against all the wickedness that had been tormenting this Earth since Genesis 3.

If we could protest against anything, we should protest against the Evil One's tyranny over the Earth. It's the true mastermind behind all the wickedness that is responsible for all the injustices that is causing so much suffering and misery.

We all would like to live in a city where poverty is not a crime, but this is possible only when this Earth is under God's jurisdiction because there will be no such thing as poverty in God's Kingdom as the poor will finally no longer be poor.

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