Saturday 28 August 2021

Done with Shrimp Consumption

According to the dietary rules of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, fish that have fins and scales are good for eating. Shrimps, however, do not qualify for this criteria, and are not to be eaten by mankind. Unfortunately, the dietary rules of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 had been disregarded, and humanity had paid a terrible price for violating these rules.

But the biblical dietary guidelines forbidding us from eating shrimps are only the tip of the iceberg. To prove that Old Testament dietary guidelines are worth upholding, we must uncover other reasons not to eat shrimps.

Shrimps, being bottom feeders, should not be eaten by humans because of the toxins bottom feeders consume. That is why we should not eat shrimps. God clearly does not want us to eat anything that's toxic.

Then there's environmental reasons. Trawler fishing for wild shrimps have been killing "bycatch" fishes such as sharks, sea turtles, starfishes and fishes that so happen to have fins and scales. Shrimp farming is no better either because it has destroyed mangroves and the chemical usage involved is appalling. As a result, the land becomes uninhabitable after the shrimp farms leave the area.

Yet the consumption of seafood that do not have fins and scales such as shrimps restore life points in RuneScape, and the player characters do not get any real-life health problems that people in real life such as RuneScape players get from eating shrimps. Perhaps it was a good decision for me to quit RuneScape and never to return to the game again. Who knows what controversies will Jagex and the RuneScape game run into in the future?

Perhaps it's time we removed shrimp cocktails and tempura from our menus in order to comply with the dietary rules of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 that were never abolished when the New Testament was first published...

RuneScape © Jagex.

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