Friday 27 August 2021

Obadiah's Prophecy

According to the Book of Obadiah, the descendants of Esau will go extinct for all the evils they did to the descendants of Jacob since ancient times, which will be fulfilled as a result of the dreaded Day of the Lord, which will end with Jesus Christ's Second Coming bringing this evil age to an end, ushering in a genuine golden age. Although Edom was wiped off the map, it is unknown where the modern descendants of the Edomites have gone to. Some claim they are now residing in Asia Minor or Central Asia. But we do not know if those claims are true. Psalms 83 states that Edom will be part of a sinister plot to blot out the name of Israel forever. This plot will fail miserably in spite of the amount of bloodshed involved because the evildoers will be smitten by a grand coalition of Russo-Asiatic hordes known in Revelation 16:12 as the "Kings of the East".

However, the descendants of Esau will get one last chance at life when they get resurrected for judgement at the Great White Throne along with everyone else who was not resurrected at the start of the 1000 years of Christ's reign on Earth. How many of Esau's descendants will end up in the Lake of Fire we do not know...

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