Thursday 5 August 2021

Justice for the Homeless

The sad reality about Los Angeles is that homelessness is being criminalized, and Tokyo's Olympic Games did a lot of harm to the homeless people of this great metropolis by forcing the police to forcefully evict homeless people, when we should instead take pity on them and help them find shelter, which several organisations in Singapore did during the early days of the current pandemic. With so many injustices going on and personal freedoms on the decline, even a loving and caring God who is slow to anger is being pushed to the limit to the point he will take action against all the wickedness that had been tormenting this Earth since Genesis 3.

If we could protest against anything, we should protest against the Evil One's tyranny over the Earth. It's the true mastermind behind all the wickedness that is responsible for all the injustices that is causing so much suffering and misery.

We all would like to live in a city where poverty is not a crime, but this is possible only when this Earth is under God's jurisdiction because there will be no such thing as poverty in God's Kingdom as the poor will finally no longer be poor.

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