Wednesday 29 June 2022

German-made Anti-consumerism

Whoever said that Donald Trump was a bully who wanted German automobiles gone from American roads does not see the big picture about the German automakers' plans to deceive US government environmental agencies. Even South Korea is doing their part to punish German automakers for anti-trust law violations, although the fines slapped against them by the South Korean anti-trust regulators are not harsh enough, owing to the South Korean Won being a weak currency. Such deceitfulness by German businesses, along with Germany's shadow government trolling Ukraine by denying military hardware from arriving in Ukraine, and the suppression of German citizens' freedoms by said shadow government are all unforgivable grievances that need to be judged. Yet nobody is going after Germany's shadow government, but we wish somebody was. Perhaps one day, all the injustices we dislike, including anti-consumer business practices, will be eradicated.

Monday 27 June 2022

Clone Ash

One of the biggest fan theories is that the person we call Ash Ketchum is actually a collection of clones with memories (very poorly) implanted into their brains. This could explain why Ash Ketchum remains a 10-year-old. For all we know, Ash Ketchum is being cloned alongside Princess Sakura by Fei Wong Reed, and the real Princess Sakura's name was not Sakura at all. In fact, this cloning began even before Sakura Kinomoto's birth, let alone the start of her magical girl escapades. This means Pokemon could be related more to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle than Nintendo's franchises. Another major plot twist is that, if the late Takeshi Shudo's proposed series finale for the Pokemon TV series was any indication, Ash Ketchum was all along mentally ill and dying, and the entire Pokemon series was nothing more than a dying dream. How's that for a disappointing series finale?

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle © CLAMP/Kodansha.

Update: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It was not the depressing series finale that the late Takeshi Shudo proposed. But we have been left disappointed that we never found Ash's true identity. Perhaps Pokemon Horizons will unravel these mysteries. For all we know, Liko's pendant has something to do with Ash's past, and quite possibly, her real identity...

Saturday 18 June 2022

Parallel Economy Video Game Industry

Now is the time for the parallel economy to rise, and the parallel economy should create its own video game industry by having its own video game console so that people who are boycotting Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft for various reasons can jump ship. Even better still, the parallel economy should have its very own version of Steam, which would have games that are compatible with Linux operating systems.

Whether or not 3DO manufacturers Panasonic and LG supported artistic freedom and fair use remains a mystery. But both companies are definitely better than Nintendo when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Yes, Taiwan did try to leave a footnote on video game history with the Super A'Can, which is obviously not a Famiclone. Unfortunately, it was unable to compete with consoles from established brands such as Nintendo, Sega and Sony, resulting in the discontinuation of the Super A'Can. If Taiwan wishes for its sovereignty to survive, supporting the parallel economy is the only option left for them, and they can start by joining forces with parallel economy advocates from the Anglosphere. Perhaps Taiwan will manufacture their own video game console again, so that console gamers will have a true alternative to Nintendo, PlayStation, and XBox. An alternative that promotes freedom of expression.

Friday 17 June 2022

Smacking Toad

Weapons smacking Toad in this comic, from left to right: Sakura's Clear Card Magic Staff (Cardcaptor Sakura), Broadsword (MapleStory), Wooden Mallet (MapleStory), Heavy Mace (MapleStory), Granite Maul (RuneScape).

If it's officially confirmed that the annoying Toads from Super Mario are actually sinister parasites that are a greater evil than Bowser has ever been since 1985, I will destroy Nintendo. Boycotting Nintendo alone will not be enough. The parallel economy will need to design a video game console that will compete against Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, and take away parts of their market share, even if it means permitting content that is illegal on Nintendo, PlayStation and XBox consoles that are unrelated to intellectual property piracy.

Thursday 16 June 2022

Helping a Just Cause

This is your last chance, Nintendo! Cease all copyright takedowns, or I will boycott you!

Remember the time I sent Nintendo a warning about them getting boycotted? Well, South Korea had already been calling for a boycott of Japanese brands since July 2019, with Nintendo being one of the targets of the boycott. In fact, now is the time for those who feel that Nintendo should be punished for copyright takedowns and employee abuse to start boycotting Nintendo and stand up for those who had been wronged by Nintendo.

Perhaps the woman who told Nintendo salespeople "I hope you fail!" back in 1985 should now be christened as a heroine of freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and justice. Unfortunately, we will never know her real name...

For those who wish to know where the "I'm Doing My Part!" picture came from, it was from the 1997 Starship Troopers film.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Browser Discontinuation

Today is the day Internet Explorer, the web browser that Internet users despise for having too many cybersecurity flaws, gets discontinued by Microsoft. Apparently, Microsoft should have discontinued Internet Explorer a long time ago, especially after the release of Microsoft Edge. But starting from today, users of certain Windows 10 versions who browse the web using Internet Explorer will be redirected to Microsoft Edge instead.

However, in the defence of Internet Explorer, Microsoft's arrogance and complacency left the browser vulnerable to cybersecurity issues, which was the real reason behind the drastic decline of Internet Explorer, forcing Internet users to look for alternatives. Eventually, after more than 25 years, Microsoft decided to discontinue Internet Explorer for good.

Farewell, Internet Explorer. You used to be the dominant web browser, but Microsoft's complacency brought about your demise.

Wednesday 8 June 2022

America's Sad Decline

Had we not disobeyed the Terms and Conditions given by the Holy Bible, America's decline would not be so terrible. Unfortunately, the United States is not only on the decline, it could actually be at death's door. The writings had been on the wall for the past 15 years, from abandoned suburbs, schools, factories and malls, to a dwindling economy. Even the freedom of the people is dwindling, and it's not just the end of the Golden Age of Internet Content Creators that symbolizes the decline of the people's freedoms. The First Amendment, as well as the Constitution of the United States of America, are also under threat of being abolished. However, there will always be those who oppose anybody who seek to weaken America by any means possible. Yet such people are hard to come by, meaning America is inevitably heading for the end.

However, the Bible already had this depressing story written out as a prophecy for our generation because what follows after this depressing chapter and the terrible wars that accompany it is a bright future where all ethnic groups live in harmony and are abiding to the Terms and Conditions given by the Holy Bible. How's that for a Golden Ending?

Monday 6 June 2022

Annual Online Sale 3

Once again, Shopee and Lazada are having an annual 6/6 Sale, which as you know, coincides with the D-Day anniversary. Unfortunately, the ongoing conflicts in other parts of the world have made important anniversaries of famous or infamous events from past conflicts mean nothing at all because the biggest cataclysms are on the horizon...

Friday 3 June 2022

Sports Bra Swim Top Colors 2

Another comic about sports bra swim top color designs? Well, here's more of them, including one that looks like the Canadian flag, as well as more video game-related content, including NES Spelunker.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Sports Bra Swim Top Colors

Sports bras were not designed for swimming. However, swimwear tops based on sports bras do exist, and they are popular with triathletes and anybody who wants to wear two-piece swimwear but want more modesty.

Here are some color designs that sports bra swim tops should have. For example, the Three Crowns has become a symbol of Sweden from the Air Force to sports teams. Another popular design would be the shimabra, which would complement the shimapan knickers. In fact, two-piece swimwear based on shimabra and shimapan are largely popular. Other designs would include the shamrock, which has become a symbol of Ireland, and several video game-related content such as the Wii logo and the MSX logo.

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