Wednesday 23 August 2023

Reactions to an Endgame Aftermath

Accept it, Jenova. Your dark plans would be far too extreme for a malevolent purple head who tried to take over Sony, which is why he will never allow you to be part of his army. Also, that purple head would rather sign a peace agreement with Master and Crazy Hands.

Remember when I made a comic about how Kazuya's Quest would end? While none of the predictions that I made came true, it ended with Sephiroth getting defeated by Kazuya and Kirby. To add insult to injury, Sephiroth's army disbanded, headed for home and called the Bringer of Despair a loser. Now Professor Hojo is going to hate himself even more than he normally would because he is going to end up being a laughing stock in addition to being a worse father than Kazuya's father Heihachi. As for Jenova, she would not take Sephiroth's defeat and humiliation at the hands of Kazuya and Kirby very lightly. But she can do nothing about it because even if she decides to join forces with Polygon Man, that purple head would not allow her to be part of his army. Perhaps it's because being an Eldritch Abomination, she is uglier than even the Chimera from Sony's Resistance franchise, and the Chimera are ugly aliens.

P.S. Jenova rarely talks. But when she did, she taunted Cloud by saying "Because, you are... a puppet".

Final Fantasy VII © Square Enix.

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