The Amico console was designed with bringing families together in mind. However, its future does not look bright at the moment. But that will not stop people from coming up with ideas for great games for the Amico. Here are just three games that I think would have been perfect for the Amico if the Amico were to finally see the light of market availability.
1. Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase: This long-awaited sequel to Soldam was a launch title for the Nintendo Switch in Japan. It got ported over to the PlayStation 4 in 2019. Should this game starring the fairies Rit and Tam get ported over to the Amico, it would have been a fantastic must-have Amico game in the Japanese market, and probably one of the few Amico titles to have a magical girl in it.
2. Atari Karts HD Remake: Remember Atari Karts for the Atari Jaguar? While Atari Karts got re-released as part of the Atari 50 games compilation, a HD remake of this mediocre racing game is long overdue. If we were to get a HD remake of Atari Karts, it would fix everything wrong with the original, as well as add new characters to the character roster. Perhaps we could have Bubsy, Ultra Vortek's Volcana and Kasumi Ninja's Angus MacGreggor added to the character roster?
3. A Pizza Maker Game: There are so many pizza maker games out there that I cannot even count them. If the Amico was designed with bringing families together in mind, then a pizza maker game should be one of those family-friendly games featured on the Amico's games list.
Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase © City Connection. Atari Karts © Atari.
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