Wednesday, 22 January 2025

No Delight in the Death of the Wicked

In Ezekiel 33:11, God states that he does not rejoice in the death of the wicked, but rather, he wishes for them to forsake their evil ways.

As much as I hate wicked evildoers so much that I wish for them to die a horrible death, I must remember that they are only human, and God does not want them to die of any cause of death without turning from their evil ways, even if these evildoers died without receiving any comeuppance whatsoever without turning from their evil ways. Should God resurrect them during the Great White Throne Judgement, they will come to the disappointing revelation that they are not burning in Hellfire, and such an idea had been one of the Devilish One's deceptions all along. These no-gooders, however, will end up in a Lake of Hellfire if they continue to reject God's forgiveness. Talk about meeting with a terrible fate...

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