Thursday 10 December 2020

Liberty's Withdrawal

If you want to know why major copyright holders in Japan are taking extremely drastic actions against various kinds of copyright infringement, including digital piracy, it's because the Japanese government has always been making copyright law in Japan stricter and stricter, despite massive opposition from the general public. Basically, the Japanese government no longer wants the likes of common lawfair use or fair dealing in their territory. The same can be said with Germany, who now leads Europe and wants to enforce new regulations that some countries will not be able to meet. In other words, the loss of freedom of expression in these two countries, which last happened in the 1930s, is happening again.

All of this which had been happening are part of the formation of a "marketplace of nations" that aims to besiege the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish nation-states. Whoever said that the prophecies of Isaiah 23 and Ezekiel 27 are false have been proven wrong. The "marketplace of nations" that is besieging the Anglosphere and democratic countries has been around for several years already. However, this "marketplace of nations" will eventually get obliterated when World War 3 comes around...

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