Tuesday 22 December 2020

Waiting for 2020 to end

If you think 2020 was a terrible year, you are right. However, 2021 is expected to be far worse. Web censorship is already taking over the rule of copyright law, and will force many copyright holders to take legal actions against a lot of copyright violations. This will actually starve minor copyright holders because they lack the finances to take legal actions against alleged copyright infringers. The current pandemic has laid the foundations for a dystopian autocracy in our lifetime. One that seeks to establish a "marketplace of nations" to economically besiege the Anglosphere and anybody who are friends with them, as well as censor the web, whether it's because of copyright violations or community guidelines violations. At the end of the day, do not be too positive about 2021, and do not let your guard down when it comes to 2021 being less positive than 2020.

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