Wednesday 23 December 2020

Stages of a Boycott Campaign

Nintendo's recent actions to protect their intellectual properties has resulted in some of their customers calling for a boycott. Unfortunately, criminal enterprises have already jumped into the copyright infringement bandwagon, and it will be a matter of time before a terror attack funded by criminal copyright infringement, be it a massive bomb explosion or a massive hacking incident, occur in our lifetime, forcing us to contemplate on our moral actions on whether we should have admitted that we are in the wrong and that copyright infringement will result in the rise of evildoers more vile than even the worst villains.

For those who are wondering whether somebody said mean comments against Nintendo, the answer is yes. Back in 1985, one lady told Nintendo salespeople "I hope you fail." Now with the recent legal actions by Nintendo against their own customers' acts of copyright piracy, if that lady is still alive right now, she will become one of the biggest champions of the internet campaign to boycott Nintendo. There was also an ultimatum on whether Nintendo would choose a licensing agreement with Tencent or freedom. This ultimatum was conceived amid calls for a boycott of Tencent and anything owned by Tencent. Judging by the success of Tencent's version of the Nintendo Switch, it's clear that Nintendo chose their licensing agreement with Tencent. Therefore, people who want to boycott Tencent will also want to boycott Nintendo as well.

Currently, we are now between pleading Nintendo not to make their customers unhappy and threatening to boycott Nintendo. However, we must be aware that the decline of digital freedom in Japan and many parts of the world has been happening since 2009. All of this is merely part of the formation of the "marketplace of nations" that Isaiah 23 and Ezekiel 27 had been speaking about. This "marketplace of nations" aims to throw out small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mostly because the SMEs are hostile towards the "marketplace of nations." Eventually, the SMEs will be thrown out by the "marketplace of nations," but the SMEs' owners will finally have their justice when the "marketplace of nations" gets destroyed by the coming nuclear firestorm of World War 3.

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