Monday 21 December 2020

Winter Solstice

Ever wondered what is worse than getting coal for Christmas? Getting bupkis (slang term for nothing at all) for Christmas! At least coal can keep you warm when fed into a fireplace. Also, coal is an important resource in steel manufacturing and a vital non-renewable source of energy.

Because of pestilence, perhaps we should give Christmas a miss. For all we know, Christmas is not part of Christianity, and the evidence can actually be found in a fair amount of sources, one of which is the Catholic Encyclopedia.

In fact, there are big questions over the actual Hebrew Calendar year. Some claim there have been many errors regarding the actual Hebrew year. While the Gregorian Calendar is an Anno Domini Calendar, the Hebrew Calendar, however, is an Anno Mundi Calendar. Anno Mundi in Latin means "year of the world," and it's no surprise that an Anno Mundi Calendar could be the most accurate man-made calendar. For all we know, the number of years until Yeshua's triumphant return could potentially be single digits away...

If you want to forgo Christmas this year due to the pestilence, please observe the Winter Solstice instead without any merriment whatsoever. After all, we should go back to observing the Spring Equinox as the start of the new year as well...

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