Friday 19 March 2021

An Important Letter

A comic with a bonus panel? Is it just me? Or did I purposely choose to follow in the footsteps of some webcomics?

With only one week left before the European Union Copyright Directive comes into force to censor the web on copyright grounds, this comic may potentially be the last comic I will post on this blog. I will still be posting comics while I still can. But I can assure you, if the letter and the bonus panel are any indication, this will be the beginning of the end of freedom of expression on the World Wide Web as we know it...

Update: Article 13 will only come into force on the 7th of June, 2021. This means I will still have time to post as many comics as I can before that day comes. However, digital freedom is becoming a thing of the past as far as I'm concerned...

Update: The European Union Copyright Directive came into force, but I am still around. I guess I can continue to be a content creator for now...

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