Monday 31 May 2021

A Final Warning from the Author

Remember when I made a comic about the European Union Copyright Directive coming into force? This time, the real thing is going to happen next Monday.

Let's be honest. There really is a shadow government in Germany, and it hates you for reasons only God knows. It wants to enforce their will upon all parts of the Earth. Yet, we turned a blind eye towards it. Now, we will be paying the price for failing to rein in Germany's shadow government, and they have finally revealed their true colours.

However, this has exposed the European Union's true intentions to the world. Nobody could even predict the establishment of a "United States of Europe" except a forgotten denomination of Christianity that has always been telling us about the existence of a beast that was, and is now not, and yet God says it is. It gets even crazier when you learn that the European Union actually did convinced major countries in Asia through trade agreements to economically besiege the Anglo-Saxon and Israeli nations, which can explain why fan projects are being shut down for alleged counterfeiting by what we call copyright censorship. The European Union also wants to suppress free speech in member states as well, which also stifles digital creativity. They also do not want to listen to the governments of member states when it comes to how the EU should be run, and their leaders are not democratically elected. Yet another dirty secret about the EU would be that their Parliament Building looks like the Tower of Babel, and it was in that building where the referendum that sealed the fate of the Internet took place. Unfortunately, all of this will become precedents before Jesus comes again, which means this comic could be the last time we can communicate with each other through our creativity...

Update: The European Union Copyright Directive came into force, but I am still around. I guess I can continue to be a content creator for now...

Thursday 27 May 2021

Reactions to Wet Panties

Panties, and lingerie in general, were not designed for getting wet. Also, swimies would make a great new slang term for bikini bottoms because swimies is a portmanteau of swimsuit and panties, and bikini bottoms look similar to panties, but are more suitable for getting wet as they were designed to get wet.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

35 Years in 8 Pictures

Author's Note: Having observed people portraying past years in meme form, I decided to come up with my own portrayal of past years. Here's how the last 35 years are portrayed in 8 pictures, now in comic form.

1986: Back when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, a reactor in the Chernobyl nuclear power station exploded, rendering the nearby town of Pripyat uninhabitable. It turns out that Chernobyl was a terrible name for a nuclear power station because Chernobyl in Russian means "wormwood", which is synonymous with bitterness.

1991: A pivotal year for the Allies as they not only defeated the Iraqi Army in Operation Desert Storm, but the Allies rejoiced over Russia throwing in the towel as a result of the Soviet Union's collapse.

1996: Metal Slug's launch gave the Neo Geo arcade cabinet, and the run and gun genre, a new lease of life. Metal Slug was also known for iconic quotes such as "Heavy Machine Gun!" and has since become an icon of the SNK community.

2001: The day the worst terrorist attack in history happened on American soil was believed to be the day the biblical end times began. Since then, America was never the same again.

2006: Nintendo launched the Wii console, which went on to be the first Nintendo home console to have unit sales that surpassed 100 million units sold.

2011: Japan's worst earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor explosion combo left several parts of the country's east coast devastated, and the area around the nuclear power station damaged by the tsunami was rendered uninhabitable as a result.

2016: The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Nobody, not even those who advocated for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union expected the "Leave" camp to emerge victorious.

2021: The year the European Union Copyright Directive, as well as Japan's copyright regulations that prohibits manga piracy, comes into force. Everybody fears that the copyright regulations will censor the Internet by getting rid of copyright infringement first before turning their attention towards those who call the European Union undemocratic, which they obviously are.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Remembering Bukit Ho Swee

Today marks 60 years since the biggest firestorm in Singapore's history. Even though the firestorm was called the Bukit Ho Swee Inferno, the inferno actually started in Kampong Tiong Bahru. It was just that the wind conditions and the hot air caused the firestorm to spread northwards into the Bukit Ho Swee squatter settlement. The inferno was eventually denied from spreading further north by a block of flats in Delta Estate. It took 22 fire trucks and several hours to eventually extinguish the inferno. Despite the size of the inferno, the death toll was just four people. That's a very low number regarding the inferno's size, and that is excluding the chickens and pigs that were burnt alive in the inferno.

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) constructed apartments to rehouse the homeless people shortly after the inferno. To this day, Bukit Ho Swee HDB Estate stands as a monument to the memory of those who perished or were made homeless by the inferno on that fateful day.

Saturday 22 May 2021

Despair by Revelation

The truth will cause people to go into despair and even die from it.

It was revealed that in Chapter 220 of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Clow Reed actually started the whole ordeal revolving around Princess Sakura's memories. Everything from the Clow Cards to the Clear Cards to the feathers containing Princess Sakura's memories and Fei Wong Reed's death seal are all related to each other. When it comes to magical girls having to deal with past lives, Sakura Kinomoto is no exception...

The animals of Animal Crossing may not be animals at all, but rather, the player character could possibly have a rare mental illness known as lycanthropic intermetamorphosis, where the person diagnosed with the mental illness sees people as transformed into animals. This mental illness, along with clinical lycanthrophy, was made known through a Game Theory video that claims that the animals in Animal Crossing are not animals.

The darkest secret about the Pokemon series that Game Freak never wanted the whole world to know was that the real reason for its creation was because Satoshi Tajiri went down on record that he wanted to create a series that is as popular as anything Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto came up with. No wonder Ash Ketchum's original nemesis Gary Oak was called Shigeru in the Japanese version of the Pokemon TV series, and it makes sense when Ash was also known as Satoshi. From the very beginning, Satoshi Tajiri wanted to surpass Shigeru Miyamoto, but the writers for the TV series, along with Nintendo and Game Freak will make sure this will never become a reality, because if this happens, Mario will drop dead in despair like he did in Dharkon's version of World of Light's Bad Ending. And you think the 31st of March, 2021, was going to be the end of Mario...

Perhaps the real reason behind Nintendo's mistreatment of Waluigi has something to do with Waluigi's name being an anagram for ijiwaru, which means ill-natured. No wonder Nintendo wants Waluigi to continue to wallow in self-pity over everything going right for everybody except him. Waluigi was ill-tempered and ill-natured from the very beginning. This could be the reason why Waluigi was not given an invitation to Mario's tennis tournament in Mario Tennis for the N64.

Ever wondered why hedgehogs are not allowed to be kept as pets in Singapore? That's because hedgehogs spread zoonotic diseases. This means that the villainous Eggman Empire's sworn enemy was not a blue hedgehog, but rather, the zoonotic diseases that Sonic's kind and the animals Dr Eggman had been imprisoning will be a far greater threat than the evil genius that the titular hero had to confront in many of the games in the Sonic series.

Cardcaptor Sakura © CLAMP/Kodansha. Nintendo games and characters © Nintendo. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.

Friday 21 May 2021

Remembering Kentaro Miura

Author's Note: It is with deep sadness that Berserk author Kentaro Miura passed away on the 6th of May, 2021. Yet, this was only made official yesterday.

From my perspective, Kentaro Miura was definitely a legend by manga author standards. He was known for drawing everything in the Berserk manga with an overly detailed style. Unfortunately, this attention to detail may have taken its toll on his health.

For those who do not know about Berserk, this manga and its anime adaptation is known for having a very dark world that would put the Dark Souls series to shame. The main hero of the series, Guts faces monstrous villains that would be far nastier than many of the biggest, baddest baddies in video game history. If Pokemon's Ash Ketchum was dropped inside the world of Berserk to serve Guts as his sidekick, he would have perished in just one battle in less than one minute. Guts was also known for carrying a huge sword that would make Final Fantasy 7's Cloud look like a wimp, and the villains this hero has to face on a very frequent basis are so bad that villainous characters who would feel at home in the Berserk world such as Fury Bowser, Calamity Ganon and Ridley were sadly rejected from the Berserk villains auditions. If Kirito thinks Sword Art Online was a nightmare, perhaps he should try surviving the Berserk world. Then he will remember that there are far worse places than Sword Art Online.

Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura. You are definitely a legend that's gone but not forgotten.

Saturday 15 May 2021


Author's Note: The idea for this comic was conceived when I used to play Mario Kart 7 like a professional gamer. The inspiration for the comic's title came from a Mario Kart comic found on Tumblr titled "64MARIO64KART", which was created by Tumblr user VG-Libary.

Mario Kart 7 was known for introducing underwater driving and hang-gliding, and was notorious for having Waluigi missing from the playable characters list.

Having a submarine with wheels firing turtle shells like torpedoes made sense when players can drive underwater in Mario Kart 7, and an actual submarine-based go-kart appeared in Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U.

With the introduction of hang-gliders as kart parts in Mario Kart 7, air combat in a Mario Kart game is now a reality, and this continued into Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

My theory on why Waluigi is missing from the final Mario Kart 7 playable character roster was because Ash Ketchum shot him out of the sky in an air-to-air hang-glider duel. As a result, Ash was banned from making cameo appearances in the Mario series altogether.

Monday 10 May 2021

Being positive in the midst of negativity

The current pandemic had recently gotten worse, and it is pushing our self-control to the breaking point. For years, we have been bottling up our anger against all the wrongs on this Earth. But the pandemic has made us snap and vent our anger on all the injustices that have happened for too many years, and there had been unnecessary property damage as a result. Unfortunately, dictatorial rule over several parts of the Earth will be the new normal by the time the pestilence ends. To make matters worse, the pestilences and the dictatorial rule were actually predicted by Bible prophecy. According to Revelation 17:8, there is a beast that was, and currently, is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit, only to go to its destruction. Even rogue dictators will join the beast that was, and is not, and yet it is in heading for their own demise at the hands of Jesus when he comes again. After Jesus arrives to take back the Earth, pandemics and pestilences will be no more.

Bible prophecy is both scary and weird. But it also brings wonderful news for all who read the Bible verses.

Friday 7 May 2021

Licensing Disaster

Credits to SonikkuForever for providing footage of a hilariously bad Pakistani McDonald's Happy Meal commercial for Sega LCD handheld games via YouTube.

While fan-made memes based on Sega's characters such as Sanic and Ugandan Knuckles look like low quality designs, character design standards in Pakistan are far lower than average. While most of the Sonic characters in the Pakistani McDonald's Happy Meal commercial for Sega LCD handheld games look like themselves, Rouge, unfortunately looks more like a naked rat. This means that the Pakistani McDonald's Happy Meal commercial for Sega LCD handheld games would be considered so terrible that Ugandan Knuckles would be considered a marvelous masterpiece. But the designs are still better than Sanic.

And it was not just Sonic characters that got such a poor treatment in Pakistan. Crash Bandicoot, Hello Kitty and several others have also fallen victim to poor quality character design standards in Pakistan. Therefore, if you want to do business in the Pakistani market, don't even think about TV advertisement design. Pakistani TV advertisement designs are horrible.

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