Sunday 12 March 2023

No Justice for Zainichi Koreans

For those wondering what pachinko is, pachinko is a pinball variant originating from Japan that combines pinball with slot machine elements, and involves shooting balls into bonus areas to win more balls. Eventually, players win a prize that they can trade for other prizes, if they can win one that is.

Ever wondered why many pachinko parlors are run by Zainichi Koreans? To start, pachinko bypasses a Japanese gambling ban by having the prizes sometimes being exchanged for cash. Despite this advantage, pachinko received a dubious reputation as a result. This give Zainichi Koreans, who are often treated as second-class citizens in Japan an opportunity to make a living. Sadly, this does not prevent them from becoming hate crime targets, and almost no legal action, if any, had been taken against these hate crimes.

The novel Pachinko and its TV series adaptation focuses on more than just the titular pinball machines and why Zainichi Koreans became synonymous with them. It explores the trials and tribulations Zainichi Koreans go through. To quote Mozasu, the likes of him would be called a Japanese [REDACTED] in South Korea, and in Japan, he would just be another dirty Korean no matter how much money he makes or how nice he is.

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