Tuesday 21 March 2023

Pokemon World Hate Crimes

It's only a matter of time before Nintendo bids farewell to Ash Ketchum. But one big question about his real identity remains...

If Professor Oak's grandsons Blue and Gary having the catchphrase "Smell you later" was any indication who Red and Ash really are, then there really is racism against Zainichi Koreans in the Pokemon World because Zainichi Koreans were often subjected to racist insults such as being called dirty, smelly, lazy and stupid. Such racist insults will be classified as hate crimes, and Professor Oak's grandsons Blue and Gary should be ashamed of committing them. In fact, many Pokemon fans, including myself, would be screaming for their heads to be on pikes for all those years of tormenting Red and Ash.

Unfortunately, there are Zainichi Koreans who are communist sympathizers, and both Japan and South Korea have zero tolerance for communist sympathizers. This results in Zainichi Koreans getting accused of being communist spies. Maybe Blue and Gary are suspicious that Red and Ash are Zainichi Korean communist sympathizers. But this is no excuse for Blue and Gary to humiliate Red and Ash. And yet, almost nobody punishes those who commit such hate crimes against Zainichi Koreans. That's why some Zainichi Koreans became mentally ill.

Then again, Zainichi Koreans were better off not having any justice if it means not letting communism dominate the Earth. Even if Nintendo does not punish Blue and Gary, their bullying will be nothing compared to the damage the communists' "noble causes" have done to entire countries...

Update: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It was disappointing that Gary Oak did not get any comeuppance, but the writers chose not to because it will offend Shigeru Miyamoto, and that is even worse...

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