Friday 24 March 2023

Uproar Over Injustice

Today is the day Nintendo bids farewell to Ash Ketchum. However, if he does not get any justice at all, Nintendo must brace themselves for an even bigger boycott than then ones triggered by their legal actions against copyright piracy. Even if Gary Oak was named after Shigeru Miyamoto or Ritchie was named after Hiroshi Yamauchi, that is no excuse for anybody who has wronged Ash Ketchum to not get any comeuppance whatsoever. If Ash Ketchum gets no justice when his days in the Pokemon TV series ends, there will be a bloodbath so bad it will be far worse than the one in Ukraine right now because this injustice will even make rogue dictators throw tantrums, and nobody likes it when rogue dictators throw tantrums...

But then again, if Pokemon was all just a dream, and Ash Ketchum was a dying, mentally ill Zainichi Korean all along, then the late Takeshi Shudo did have a legitimate reason to come up with a depressing series finale for the Pokemon TV series. To be Zainichi Korean is to suffer, because Zainichi Koreans are not only being discriminated in Japan, but they are also being discriminated in South Korea as well. Another sign that democracy in Asia is on the decline...

Update: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It was not the depressing series finale that the late Takeshi Shudo proposed, but for Gary and Ritchie to not get any comeuppance whatsoever was disappointing. Then again, nobody wants to offend Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi, because they are of far greater importance than anime fans.

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