Monday 8 February 2021

Allied Vengeance

Historical Fact: The last original Fokker Dr.I Triplane was once piloted by Manfred von Richthofen a.k.a. the Red Baron. It was destroyed by an Allied bombing raid in World War 2.

If you, just like me, want to get unduly upset and throw tantrums over Snoopy failing to truly defeat the Red Baron, just remember that the last original Fokker Dr.I Triplane got destroyed by Allied bombs in World War 2. So much for the long wait for justice and vengeance. And yes, I used the Allied symbol from Red Alert 3 to depict the Allied bombs destroying the Red Baron's Fokker Triplane.

Just to let you know that if I were the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, I would have sent captured German Panzers (including Panthers, Tigers and King Tigers) and U-Boats to suffer the same tragic fate that befell Hiroshima and Nagasaki at Operation Crossroads. How's that for justice? Because I would like to destroy a King Tiger tank by electrocuting it with a Tesla Coil or blasting it into oblivion with an atomic bomb. If you think villains don't deserve to perish so horribly, you might as well end up on the floor next to Georgi Kukov.

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