Saturday 6 February 2021

Insufficient Evidence

There are a fair amount of sources claiming that copyright infringement funds terror activities. However, evidence to support such claims are uncommon and therefore cannot be accepted by those who are fighting for digital freedom. This is why even if I am a copyright holder, I have no right to go after my own fans if they get caught for infringing on my copyrights because if I do that, I can assure you that I will get boycotted, and I cannot afford to get boycotted as much as I cannot afford to hire a lawyer to go after offenders.

Perhaps one of my biggest "war crimes" in my video game history was blasting enemies with single-use exploding units. One of the most notable case was that one of my favourite units in Red Alert 2 was the Demolition Truck. That is why I featured a Demolition Truck blasting somebody who wants the Fair Use Act gone from Copyright Law in order to win the War on Terror. Such people who wants Fair Use removed from Copyright Law have no right to stifle freedom and creativity.

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