Monday 15 February 2021

The Sinking of the Merchant Ship Tyre

Author's Note: This comic was made in memory of the merchant ships and their crew that were lost during the two World Wars. It is in no way made to offend those who perished as a result of unrestricted submarine warfare.

Ezekiel 27 was all about the demise of the city of Tyre, depicted as a merchant ship. Ezekiel described Tyre in his day as well as a future version in a prophecy for the future as a "marketplace of nations". This was basically a continuation of Isaiah 23, as Isaiah also describes Tyre in his day as well as a future version in a prophecy for the future as a "marketplace of nations". The biggest difference was that whereas Isaiah 23 was a prophecy against Tyre, Ezekiel 27 was a lament over Tyre.

If Tyre was a merchant ship that was going to sink, it will not be sunk by a submarine's torpedo as depicted in the comic, but by the "east wind". This means that Tyre would have been sunk by very bad weather such as lightning storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones, and such bad weather have been getting worse and more frequent over the past 20 years. Of course many people will be in mourning over the merchant ship Tyre getting sunk because the merchandise that the ship was carrying is going to end up being located thousands of feet deep in the ocean. Talk about objects being virtually irretrievable...

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