Tuesday 31 December 2019

The New Twenties

Goodbye, 2019. You were not a positive year. Unfortunately, 2020 will be less positive than you because of terrifying elements that will make the 2020s the most chaotic and volatile decade since the 1930s and 1940s.

This is the last comic uploaded in 2019. Neo Retro Union would like to wish its readers a Happy New Year, even if the outlook for 2020 is going to be less positive.

Friday 27 December 2019

Disclaimer from the Author

Author's Note: If you want to know the author's nationality, don't bother knowing where the author comes from because the author has to comply with Singapore's Personal Data Protection Act. Given that privacy protection has become a major priority for governments worldwide, the author of this webcomic has to comply with his own country's privacy protection regulations. Also, the author created this disclaimer to convince readers below the age of 13 that while Neo Retro Union is a webcomic made for all ages, some comics from this webcomic have content that may not be suitable for readers ages 12 and below.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

The End of Runescape Java Client

Goodbye, Runescape Java Client. You were a great alternative to the Java browser plugin when it had problems. However, like the Java browser plugin, time was not on your side.

On the 18th of December, 2019, the Runescape Java Client will be officially discontinued.

In the twelve years playing Runescape from 2005 until quitting the game for good in 2017, I have never used the Runescape NXT Client. Given that NXT will need a high-end computer, I had always stuck with the Java browser plugin and the Runescape Java Client to play Runescape. The lack of means to play Runescape was the reason I quit the game totally.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

How recycling could bring profits

While recycling will be beneficial to both the environment and the economy, it could also help to cut down software piracy and reduce the demand for conflict minerals. Given the large amount of pirated video game cartridges, as well as a huge number of pirated CDs and DVDs, with some of them being made out of conflict minerals, recycling can actually help to force those involved in funding crimes to file for bankruptcy. While recycling is definitely not illegal, it can actually help those who have to comply with new laws that forbid the sale or ownership of pirated goods to dump such illegal items.

Speaking of recycling, any slot machine that got confiscated from illegal casinos should not be burnt up, because the smoke from burning the slot machines will contribute to the already excessive levels of carbon dioxide, which is causing climate change. Efforts had been made by the authorities to decimate the confiscated gambling machines and convert them into raw materials for future manufacturing processes. However, the number of illegal gambling machines and pirated discs seized remains very high that the destruction process is often slow.

Recycling also helps to reduce e-waste, given that a lot of e-waste ended up in the landfills of underdeveloped countries, resulting in harmful chemicals poisoning groundwater, by converting them into raw materials for future manufacturing processes. Also, recycling decimates the demand for conflict minerals, which had been notorious for funding war crimes in various war zones that have seen millions slaughtered. In other words, recycling could be weaponized to fight against software piracy, illegal gambling and the funding of war crimes from sales of conflict minerals.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Potential Calamities of the 2020s

The 2010s was not a good decade, and 2019 was not a good year, so do not expect the 2020s to start positively, and there are good reasons for that.

New regulations for the World Wide Web will be enforced, and lots of content that do not comply with the new regulations will be removed. Given that most of the content that will potentially be deleted by new regulations were deemed too inappropriate, many netizens will be forced to remove them or face account deactivation.

Tyrannical dictators of rogue states have often blamed democratic leaders for their part in the revival of a brutal imperialistic power that will be the biggest threat to world peace, as well as democracy and said rogue states' dictators' world domination ambitions. But Bible prophecy states that one of these rogue states will end up being an end-time "King of the South" that will be so pushy that he will provoke the "King of the North" and get destroyed. In fact, this war will be very bad because nuclear weapons will be fired in anger by just about anybody who owns a nuke.

Earth's temperature had been rising over the past few decades, and we had been taking note of it as a result of many islands being submerged into the ocean. Yet our best efforts to reverse climate change will prove to be futile because climate change could be irreversible.

Economy analysts have been trying to warn us that the next downturn will be worse than the last one, which had never truly ended. Even worse still will be the possibility that a huge financial downturn will trigger the next world war, which will definitely have nuclear weapons fired in anger.

This comic is just a stern warning about what 2020 and beyond will bring. But we should not worry too much because eventually, Jesus will come again to liberate us and save us all from our madness.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

PlayStation at 25

It's unbelievable that Sony could create a video game console line that will last 25 years back in 1994. Nobody expected the PlayStation name to last 25 years, not even Sony. But the PlayStation name lasted through four video game console generations, and with PlayStation 5 possibly coming soon, the PlayStation line will possibly continue through the next generation of video game consoles.

Happy 25th Anniversary, Sony PlayStation! The video game industry would never be this big without you!

Saturday 30 November 2019

Running Out Of Time

Between hacking incidents, the European Union Copyright Directive, and compliance with the Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, the YouTube that we all grew up with is in real danger. Sooner or later, we will no longer have cat videos, hedgehog videos, anime music videos or even gaming related videos. In other words, we are living in the darkest of times...

Friday 22 November 2019

If The 32X Did Not Exist...

In my honest opinion, the 32X was a commercial failure that should never have existed. Sadly, there is no place for what ifs. But if the 32X did not exist, all of its titles, including Knuckles Chaotix, would have ended up as Sega Saturn titles, which would greatly improve the Sega Saturn's reputation and sales numbers.

On a side note, Happy 25th Anniversary, Sega Saturn.

Thursday 21 November 2019

How To End A Great Series

There was an old saying "All good things come to an end". Sometimes, we need to end a great video game series before the fanbase turns toxic, like in the cases of Sonic, Warcraft and Pokemon.

To be fair and honest, thwarting the Burning Legion was futile, since the Void Lords always win. Due to the campaign to boycott Blizzard over somebody's suspension because he speaks for freedom and justice, the only merciful thing to do for the Warcraft series right now is for the Void Lords to devour Azeroth and bring World of Warcraft to an end so everybody can get back to their lives.

The Pokemon Sword and Shield controversy over omitted Pokemon is a possible sign that the Pokemon fanbase has also turned toxic. However, there is a way to rectify everything. There had been theories over a war that took place before Generation 1, as well as theories about Silph Co being the true villain of Pokemon and not the criminal gangs that seek to cause trouble. From my point of view, the reason the gangs of organised crime seek to cause trouble, even pursue world domination, is because their villainy was motivated by the fact they wish to overthrow Silph Co. But they have always failed because a low intelligence hero foiled their plans. Perhaps if Ash could gather his friends and foes to fight against Silph Co in a final battle similar to Avengers: Endgame, the Pokemon fanbase would finally get the ending for the Pokemon anime that they wished for, even if Ash perishes at the end, because it will have to end with Silph Co vanquished at the end.

All the clues about the Toads' true identity could finally add up. While the mystery of the Toads may remain unsolved, not everyone is deterred by that. The existence of parasitic toadstools that destroys its hosts will be one of the biggest game changers. If the Toads turn out to be an anthropomorphic species of parasitic toadstool, this could justify Bowser's villainy in the Super Mario series. Given that Bowser has a heroic side that has him confront villains nastier than him, he could have been fighting a losing battle against a sinister parasite since 1985, and that could have been our fault. The only reason the parasite has not truly won yet was that it had been stymied by the Toads' incompetence. Should the parasite finally infect everybody, nobody will survive its destructive power, not even Waluigi.

Should General Morden finally win after years of defeats, he will not restart the Holocaust, but instead he will pull a Nick Fury and expose the Regular Army's leaders for the corrupt crooks that they had been since the Central Park terror attacks that killed his son. But like most SNK villains, he was doomed to perish. Yet he will tell the Metal Slug heroes that he wanted to get rid of the corrupt officials who caused his son's death. This could be the plot twist that will bring the Metal Slug series to an end because the corrupt bureaucrats who General Morden sought to bring to justice had been getting away unpunished for years, and our heroes finally turn against them upon learning who the true villain of the Metal Slug series had been all along.

Update: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". However, it left me disappointed over a few things. If Silph Co was a greater evil than the criminal gangs, why hasn't there been a hero who will rise to overthrow Silph Co? I guess justice is a theme Pokemon will not cover...

Monday 18 November 2019

Internet Pioneers' World War 3 Emergency Plan

Given the rampant amount of cyber-crime, where even the co-founders of Twitter and YouTube are not spared from hacking, the Heartbleed, Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, data breaches, and censorship of the web in some places, Sir Tim Berners-Lee was right to say that the World Wide Web is no longer a "force for good" and that it had failed instead of served humanity, and failed in many places.

Thankfully, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is calling for new regulations for the World Wide Web in regards to cracking down on cyber-crime. But if all else fails, he still has access to the off switch to turn off the World Wide Web, if cyber warfare ever gets involved in World War 3...

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Great Tribulation Emergency Plan

It would eventually pay off to be a doomsday prepper if we hear the Word of God, especially when the world is going out of control.

We could be very close to finding who the two beasts of Revelation 13 are and when they will come. The European Union's copyright directive that was approved earlier this year could be the first clue of what the dictatorship of the Beast regime will be like, where nobody can do business without receiving the Mark of the Beast. Talk about a dystopian society in the future... All we did was delay the inevitable... Our efforts will be for nothing, and we will lose everything we hold dearly, including our lives.

However, the best good news awaits us all at the end of the tunnel. Jesus will overthrow the Beast dictatorship and terminate the Evil One's reign of terror for 1000 years.

Monday 11 November 2019

Veteran's Day

It's sad that World War 1 was supposed to be the war to end all wars. But there had been multiple smaller wars in the years between the end of World War 1 and the start of World War 2. To make things worse, the armistice that ended World War 1 became null and void when World War 2 broke out. Therefore, the United States had the right to rename Armistice Day to Veteran's Day to remember the armed forces servicemen who perished during the two World Wars, and other conflicts after World War 2. Perhaps Great Britain and Commonwealth countries should rename Armistice Day to Veteran's Day, because almost all of World War One's generation have passed away, with the World War 2 generation also passing away.

Happy Veteran's Day to all armed forces veterans of the Free World.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Pitman Reunion

Well, this has to be an awkward reunion of Pitman protagonists...

Did you know that pitman is a slang term for a coal miner from Scotland or Northern England? In fact, the original Pitman game that Yutaka Isokawa designed for the Sharp MZ-700 was about an archaeological explorer pushing rocks and digging through earth to get all the gold in every level. The Game Boy version, while retaining the earth digging and rock pushing elements, changed the plot to a Catboy and Catgirl punching out bad guys to escape a forbidden haunted house, and was launched in North America as Catrap with one level being altered differently being the biggest regional difference.

The word catrap refers to the frequent number of times the player is trapped and needs to reverse their movements.

While Catrap was proposed to be launched in Europe as Power Paws, the game never had an official launch in that region until the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console re-release under the Catrap title in 2011.

Saturday 19 October 2019

An Overdue Blizzcon Announcement

Not even Doctor Strange would be able to find a single outcome in the Warcraft series where the Void Lords finally get defeated.

If people who wish to quit World of Warcraft have a genuine reason to quit the game (other than cutting costs, boycotting Blizzard for disqualifying Hearthstone tournament winners who are willing to stand up for democracy, Activision's bad management, etc.), it would be the sad realization that not one outcome, not even a single what if scenario, end with the Void Lords being defeated by anybody.

This would mean that if it was confirmed that the Dark Titan Sargeras did actually win when he stabbed Silithus, then his victory would actually be a hollow one, because the Void Lords always win, and not even the what if scenarios where the bad guys win will do anything to prevent the Void Lords from winning at the end. In other words, the Burning Legion's campaign to take over Azeroth was doomed from the start. Even if the Burning Legion won, which they actually did, thanks to Sargeras stabbing Silithus, their victory will be short-lived, because they will have to deal with the Void Lords themselves, and defeat at the hands of the Void Lords will be inevitable.

Imagine if somebody were to make this important revelation at Blizzcon about analyzing millions of outcomes in the Warcraft series, and every one of them ended with the Void Lords winning, how will everybody attending Blizzcon react to this announcement?

In other words, well played, Chris Metzen.

Wednesday 9 October 2019


Now you know how it feels to be a victim of being inflated, Dr Eggman, given that you have never been inflated before.

Today's comic is a portmanteau of Exeggcute and executed.

Another comic about execution? What kind of people are we appeasing? People who, like Mayor Gene, dislike video game villains?

For more than a decade, Sonic fan art had been plagued by inflation fetish. Between this, the upcoming Sonic film, and some terrible Sonic games, the Sonic series has really fallen on hard times. Even the Puyo Puyo series is in far better shape than the Sonic series right now...

To vent my frustration on the disgraceful state of the Sonic series, I drew Dr Eggman being inflated by Dig Dug's Taizo Hori, just to appease people who, like me, dislike video game villains, to the point that they have to be executed.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Sega Genesis Mini Rejects

Only two more weeks until the launch of the Sega Genesis Mini (a.k.a. the Sega Mega Drive Mini in Japan and PAL regions) in anywhere except Europe and the Middle East.

The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini is now available in all regions where this mini console is sold, and Singapore is on the list of countries where the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini is available.

The Sega Genesis Mini will have 42 games, with 40 of them being available from the start while the other two titles are bonus titles based on canceled ports of Darius and the Sega arcade version of Tetris. However, some of the best games from the Sega Genesis archives will not be featured in any version of the Sega Genesis Mini, which will be a huge disappointment for some customers.

The seven games featured in this comic that did not get featured in the Sega Genesis Mini's final lineup, regardless of version, will have their disappointing absences and its reasons explained:

1. Sonic Eraser: Sonic Eraser was launched in 1991, shortly after the first Sonic The Hedgehog came out. It tried to build on the success of Columns and Sonic 1 by being the first puzzle game in the Sonic series. Unfortunately, it was only available through Sega Meganet, which never reached worldwide availability. This makes Sonic Eraser one of the lost Sonic titles, and not featuring this game as a bonus title will disappoint Sonic fans everywhere.

2. Twinkle Tale: Twinkle Tale is a forgotten top-down shooter published by Toyo Recording. This game, which was the only game that Toyo Recording published, will not see any re-release whatsoever because Toyo Recording is not interested in selling off the rights to Twinkle Tale to anyone else.

3. Valis 3: The original Valis was available on the Sega Genesis, but Valis 3 was no doubt the best Valis game where Yuko was playable, because she is no longer alone in her fight against evil. The Sega Genesis version, while not as great as the TurboGrafx-16 version due to several levels being cut from the game, featured a new level that was not featured in the TurboGrafx-16 version. However, Sunsoft, who now owns the rights to the Valis series, does not want to re-release any of the Valis games for both the Sega Genesis Mini and the TurboGrafx-16 Mini.*

4. Panorama Cotton: The Cotton series is known for being a side-scrolling shooter, but Panorama Cotton was basically a rail shooter game similar to Space Harrier, but with the titular poster girl instead. It was also the only game in the Cotton series to be on the Sega Genesis. Success Corporation, the owner of the Cotton series, still exists today, but have been hardly focusing on the Cotton series until their recently proposed reboot of the series.

5. The Lost Vikings: Great companies had to start somewhere, and in Blizzard's case, that would be The Lost Vikings, which first came out in 1992 for the Sega Genesis. And it's a disappointment that it will not be one of the 40 games pre-installed on the Sega Genesis Mini because the Sega Genesis version of The Lost Vikings was the first version of the game to be released, meaning gamers will never have a piece of Blizzard's history.

6. Pulseman: Pulseman was a Sega Genesis title developed by Game Freak. It did not get enough attention from anywhere outside Japan because North America could only obtain the game through the Sega Channel. Being a non-Pokemon title developed by Game Freak before the release of the Pokemon series as a whole, the absence of Pulseman would be a disappointment, given that it was part of Game Freak's history before Pokemon. But then again, the game's titular protagonist did not show up in any Sega Superstars titles because of licensing complications involving Game Freak, and said licensing issues could have prevented Pulseman from being re-released on the Japanese version of the Sega Genesis Mini.

7. Ristar: Perhaps the biggest disappointment would be leaving out Ristar from the Sega Genesis Mini. There are some people who would like Ristar to be re-released on the Sega Genesis Mini, but Ristar will not be among the 40 pre-installed games featured on the Sega Genesis Mini.

Other games that did not make the cut that were not featured in this comic:

Flicky: Before the likes of Sonic and Alex Kidd, Flicky was the unofficial mascot of Sega. Nowadays, he has always been a minor Sonic character. On top of that, 2019 marks the 35th anniversary of Flicky's arcade debut, and the Sega Genesis version of Flicky not being listed on the Sega Genesis Mini's game lineup is not the right way to mark Flicky's 35th anniversary, and that is excluding the Game no Kanzume Otokuyou version included with the Japanese and East Asian versions of the Sega Genesis Mini.

Streets of Rage 1 and 3: All versions of the Sega Genesis Mini will have Streets of Rage 2, but not the first and third installments of the Streets of Rage series? It would make more sense if all three Streets of Rage games are on the list.

Phantasy Star 2 and 3: Like Streets of Rage 2, Phantasy Star 4 will be on all versions of the Sega Genesis Mini, but Phantasy Star 2 and 3 gets left out from all versions? What's the point?

Earthworm Jim 2: Earthworm Jim has a sequel, but it gets left out?

Ecco: The Tides of Time: Ecco the Dolphin also had a sequel, and it is also getting left out?

Rocket Knight Adventures and Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures and its sequel were well acclaimed games from Konami, and the opossum hero from these two games was well-liked. But bad decision making from Konami, and both games being omitted from the Sega Genesis Mini means players will not have a chance to see Sparkster again.

*Note: As of 2020, Edia now owns the rights to Telenet's entire game catalogue after purchasing it from City Connection, who somehow acquired the rights from Sunsoft.

Update: Ristar is now available on the Sega Genesis Mini 2, but not featured in the Japanese version, though.

Friday 30 August 2019

End of Unlicensed Distribution

In recent months since November 2018, several YouTube music channels had been terminated or had their music uploads blocked in all regions for violating copyright through unlicensed distribution, and some who have not been hit could already be at risk. To make matters worse, such copyright violations could lead to account termination. In other words, digital piracy being classified as a cyber crime is why we cannot have nice things. Perhaps we should have heeded the FBI's anti-piracy warning about the consequences of criminal copyright infringement, whether or not the offence had any intentions for monetary gain.

Should the rhetorical question "Is Nintendo Doomed?" resurface again, Nintendo will only have themselves to blame for making their customers upset, which was nothing new, given that Nintendo betraying Sony created their own worst enemy, and trying to appease casual gamers during the Wii's early years turned out to be a bad idea, since the majority of casual gamers are mostly fickle.

Friday 2 August 2019

Ground Piercing Shot

Ever since Civilization 5 overhauled combat gameplay mechanics by removing the iconic and familiar "stacks of doom" in favour of combat gameplay mechanics similar to the ones featured in Advance Wars or Daisenryaku, new hilarious situations include a submarine torpedo going through a friendly peninsula city. Whether or not this situation is possible in the Daisenryaku games currently remains unknown as there has been no known footage of such naval battles where a peninsula city stands in the way of two warships engaged in combat.

Now one must wonder how a submarine-fired torpedo would burrow through earth to reach its target...

Credits to Corpse Run Comics for giving the inspiration to create this comic.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Sad Truths about Madoka Magica

If licensing issues regarding manga characters in Super Smash Bros is not the reason for Masahiro Sakurai saying that manga characters in Smash Bros is impossible, then it has to be the lack of sound and music in manga, or the lack of an anime adaption of certain manga, or it could be certain tragic events in manga and anime that makes manga and anime characters in Smash Bros impossible. Said tragic events include Sayaka losing her mind and eventually perishing along with Kyoko.

If Sayaka's infamous words before her terrible fate was anything to go by, then anime and manga is obviously not for dumb and stupid protagonists. Sayaka's quote "I Was Stupid, So Stupid" should never be taken lightly. Not when the Puella Magi Madoka Magica series could possibly be darker than even the Pokemon War backstory theory. Yet another reason to dislike Kyubey for all the wrongs he did.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Fear of a tentacle

Outrage of modesty is a criminal offence. But when cephalopod tentacles are involved in this crime, you know that you have seen enough of content that would be considered "Not Safe For Work" to know where this criminal offence would be going. No wonder the schoolgirl in this comic was screaming and fleeing from the female Inkling. Not even anthropomorphic cephalopods can reason with today's society and the frowning eyebrows over content that would be unsuitable for anyone under the age of 17.

Friday 12 July 2019

Lack of Justice

The late Takeshi Shudo actually wanted Ash Ketchum's first battle with wild Pokemon to end with him going up in smoke. However, Satoshi Tajiri rejected the idea of Ash dying, insisting that his death will make him and a lot of people, mostly young children, upset. But now, with the Pokemon TV series focusing on the Alola Pokemon League, if Ash still does not win the Pokemon League, there could potentially be a lot of people who will go on the streets to demand justice for Ash Ketchum as much as they demanded justice for Waluigi after he was used as a demonstration to show assist trophies being defeated in Super Smash Bros Ultimate during the E3 Convention in 2018.

Perhaps the reason Waluigi continues to be mistreated has to be because Luigi is portrayed as a loser, and Waluigi is an exaggerated version of said loser, which makes sense given that self-pity is the cornerstone of Waluigi's personality. While Luigi is supposed to be a similarity to Mario, which is why he was referred to as "The Eternal Understudy" in the Boxing Ring stage in Super Smash Bros, which makes him a loser by any other name, Waluigi is a spiteful person bitter at a society that has constantly rejected him because his name is an anagram for a word that means ill-tempered or mean-spirited. No wonder Nintendo continues to mistreat Waluigi. His name is an anagram for a word that does not mean anything positive.

It would be a great idea for a protagonist with below average intelligence to win at the endgame, but in a world where wild animals have special abilities that could kill humans by the tens of thousands, or worse, millions, it's no wonder Takeshi Shudo and every single director of the Pokemon TV series that came after, rejected the idea of Ash Ketchum winning at the endgame, because Satoshi Tajiri's vision for the Pokemon World was one of wild beasts with immense powers that could potentially cause humanity's extinction, given that real-life animals have disappeared from the Pokemon World long before the events of the Generation 1 Pokemon games, as well as the possibility of a massive war taking place before the Generation 1 games, and the Pokemon Adventures manga, which featured the darkest incarnation of the Pokemon World, getting officially endorsed by Satoshi Tajiri as it was the closest and most faithful to the Pokemon World that he originally envisioned.

While Ash Ketchum dying sounds like the best way and the only way for the Pokemon TV series to finally come to an end, it would be very upsetting for Satoshi Tajiri and young children if Ash Ketchum were to die in a similar manner to Sonic as seen in the Sonic 2006 reboot. However, there are people who felt that Ash had been a disgrace to the Shonen protagonist community, and would like to see him perish for the greater good. The truth is, such people do not know that Goku from Dragon Ball Z perishes in some of his defeats at the hands of his enemies, and needed over forty episodes to finally defeat (and kill) his enemies, with some of those victories being rematches.

Maybe we should forget about #JusticeForWaluigi and #JusticeForAshKetchum, because the Internet has already become very toxic, with demand for an official Waluigi game being at an all time high, and the negative backlash Pokemon Sword and Shield had been receiving as a result of the removal of the National Dex and the reduced number of Pokemon in the game. We should also understand that post-apocalyptic dystopian settings and low intelligence Shonen protagonists are incompatible with each other, because idiocy will have no chance of survival in such terrible conditions, especially places where the wild animals have special powers and will attack humans upon seeing them. As for Waluigi, it would be best for him to remain in the shadows, because he is more of an outsider than what the Mario fanbase thinks, as he was the only Mario character never created by anyone at Nintendo, and would have one of the most inappropriate taunts in Smash Bros history if he did qualify.

Update 1: Ash Ketchum finally won the Alola Pokemon League, ending a 22 year losing streak. The #JusticeForAshKetchum campaign did succeed after all. However, Ash Ketchum's namesake, Satoshi Tajiri, did not give a single congratulatory response to Ash Ketchum winning the Alola Pokemon League. This could possibly mean that the Pokemon creator has moved on to other interests, such as Little Town Hero, which could possibly be better than Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Update 2: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It was not the depressing series finale that the late Takeshi Shudo proposed. But we do not know if he will ever appear in Liko's story arc.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Final Respects

Author's Note: This comic was originally created in response to Satoru Iwata's obituary, given that his death was on the 11th of July, 2015, although his death was only announced two days later. But delays mean that this comic will be for commemorating his four year death anniversary instead.

While Hiroshi Yamauchi passed away eleven years after stepping down from being in charge of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata passed away while still in charge of Nintendo. No wonder Iwata's obituary made greater headlines than Yamauchi's obituary. Iwata's death also raised awareness about bile duct cancer, which was almost unheard of before Iwata passed away.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Microsoft's History with Nintendo

Ladies and gentlemen, we have accomplished the impossible. Banjo-Kazooie is going to take part in Nintendo's Super Smash Bros tournament for the first time ever.

After years of living in the sidelines, Banjo-Kazooie has just become the first Microsoft representative in Super Smash Bros history. Given that Nintendo and Microsoft are Console Wars competitors, this has to be the biggest turning point in the history of Microsoft content on Nintendo platforms, which was something that was never done before since the Game Boy Color versions of Microsoft 6 in 1 Puzzle Collection and the Microsoft Best of Entertainment Pack.

Now all we need is for Nintendo to finally remove the no non-video game characters allowed restriction, and we will all be rejoicing, especially when we can either fulfill the campaign to have #JusticeForAshKetchum or have the Pokemon anime's low intelligence protagonist finally killed off for good. But then again, non-video game characters will be toxic for Super Smash Bros, in contrast to the Microsoft-owned Rare giving Banjo-Kazooie a license to take part in Super Smash Bros.

Saturday 25 May 2019

The End of Ouya

Attention, all Ouya owners. If you are reading this comic, please take note that online support for the Ouya, including its digital game store, will end on its 6th anniversary. For your knowledge, Ouya hardware production ended in 2015.

It's sad that the Ouya ended up a commercial failure despite a successful Kickstarter campaign. Heralded as the "PlayStation Killer", the Ouya was also said to be able to emulate NES and SNES games, and also had the Nvidia Tegra chipset, which is the chipset currently utilised by the Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, the Ouya turned out to be a flop, resulting in the company behind it facing a financial crisis.

In other words, the 6th anniversary of the Ouya will not be a happy anniversary. Instead, it will be the day a commercial failure meets its end.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Full English

For the first time in the history of UEFA club football tournaments, all four finalists will be from the same country, as the football clubs that will be in both the Champions League Final and the Europa League Final will all be from the English Premier League.

We all have heard about a Full English Breakfast, but for the Champions League and Europa League Grand Finals to have all its finalists from the same country in one year is incredible and amazing. For those wondering why this comic was titled "Full English", the comic features an England flag with the names of the English Premier League football clubs that are playing in the Champions League and Europa League Grand Finals.

Also, check out another cartoon about the All-England Champions League and Europa League Finals.

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Heisei Sunset

30th of April, 2019, will be remembered as the last day of the Heisei Era, as Japan ushers in the Reiwa Era on the 1st of May, 2019.

While the Heisei Era has its ups and downs, video game communities should remember that the Console Wars between Nintendo and Sega began in the Heisei Period, and for a while after Atari exited hardware production, the Console Wars was an all Japanese affair. Many of the best Japanese video game systems such as the Game Boy, the PlayStation and the Wii were launched during the Heisei Era. The Heisei Era was also known for manga and anime hitting the international stage big time, and most of the best anime came from that era.

I do hope that the Reiwa Era will be the era where Japan will be more open to receive the Word of God.

Friday 26 April 2019

The Fronk Wars

Islands has to be one of the most chaotic mini-games featured in Game and Wario, especially when there is a seagull picking up Fronks and dropping them on a random location, mostly water, a tower stage where the tower capsizing means game over and the Fronk color that capsized the tower instantly loses with score wiped to zero, and a scale stage where Fronks sink should one side of the scale become too heavy.

The Islands mini-game boosted Fronk's popularity, and it got even better for this blocky side character in WarioWare Gold, where he was given a speaking role, and a vague backstory of how 9-Volt found him.

If Fronk was to be in a future Super Smash Bros game, he would be a shield breaker throwing item who would make a better shield breaker than Mr Saturn, as he would deal more damage than Mr Saturn, and he would not be randomly walking around.

Therefore, Fronk is a far better side character than Waluigi, because Waluigi does not even have a backstory, in contrast to Fronk's vague backstory.

Sunday 21 April 2019

DS Colors that never were

There are many colours for the Nintendo DS, just as there many colours for the Game Boy. But the ones in this comic are all my original ideas of Nintendo DS colours that never existed, but should have, especially the SNES Edition DS Lite, although the New Nintendo 3DS XL received Super Famicom and SNES Editions.

On a side note, happy 30th anniversary, Game Boy.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Censored Content

This no entry sign with the word "Censored" will define the future of the internet.

Internet freedom is being phased out, and cyber-crime will be to blame for draconian laws being implemented. As Earth edges closer to the dystopian future of Revelation 13, where nobody can do business anywhere except under special conditions, new copyright laws being implemented by corrupt bureaucrats could be used to filter out anything that these people do not like, including the truth, which they obviously cannot handle. Therefore, it is safe to say that we are living near the end times.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Inflation amid a downturn

Author's Note: This comic was made in 2012 to reflect the hard times of that particular year. And now 2019 is starting to be a year where the dark times are finally coming in full force.

To be fair and honest, oil prices started going down in 2014. Since then, the oil prices have been fluctuating between occasional price hikes and price drops. Public transport fares did decrease, but the decrease was so insignificant, that the public transport fares still affect people who ride on public transport.

While property prices did start decreasing in recent years, affordable housing is still all but a distant memory. Food prices, however, have yet to see a true price drop.

Friday 29 March 2019

Dark Times Ahead

The ancient prophecies of the Old Testament and the New Testament did not lie to us. Between corrupt bureaucrats enforcing draconian copyright rules that will ruin the internet that we grew up with since the 1990s and potentially stifle creativity, rogue dictators and terror groups threatening to destroy democracy, and the terrifying reality that the United States of America will end up suffering the same fate as the ancient Israelite Empire, the age of freedom is dying. We are heading for dark times, just as Matthew 24 predicted.

Speaking of corrupt bureaucrats, there is a fair amount of sources that can justify the claims that the European Union, which is being ruled by corrupt bureaucrats, is the kingdom represented by the iron and clay feet. To make matters worse, if the good people of Europe lose their digital copyright battle against their corrupted bureaucracy, then tech giants such as Alphabet (Owners of Google and YouTube), Facebook and Amazon, as well as smaller internet enterprises such as Vimeo, and the majority of good people of Europe will pay the price should the controversial copyright reforms get fully implemented.

Even French novelist Jules Verne had a terrifying vision of what France will look like in the future. If you read Paris in the Twentieth Century, you will get an idea of a grim, dystopian view of the future that is without creativity. In fact, most of the positive objects featured in the novel as well as negative ones were actually predicted, and most of these predictions of 1960 and the years after that were remarkably accurate. However, the bleak future that was portrayed in the novel will only happen if the European Union's draconian and controversial copyright reforms gets fully implemented.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Revealed Truth

Perhaps the United Kingdom leaving the European Union was not a bad idea after all...

Who would have thought that a Red Alert 3 expansion pack that came out in 2009 portrayed the European Union in a negative light? Especially when the European Union is now trying to force member states, big tech giants and smaller internet enterprises to install upload filters that are far from perfect just to combat copyright infringement. YouTube has already taken more than enough action against copyright infringement, and the new (but imperfect) upload filters will be too expensive for them to install.

But what if the claims by some modern interpreters of Bible prophecy were correct to say that the European Union is the kingdom of iron and clay feet from the Daniel 2 statue dream? According to Daniel 2:43, the iron and clay mixture will mingle with the seed of man, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. Given the recent protests against the European Union's copyright and censorship law reforms, the good people of Europe, especially those who want the UK to leave the EU, have been fighting against a corrupt bureaucracy whose headquarters is in Brussels, which in a way, proved that the Bible scriptures are correct.

Wednesday 27 March 2019


26th of March, 2019 will be remembered by European netizens as a day of infamy, because the protests and petitions to save the internet from being heavily censored by corrupt bureaucrats have failed. #WeLost.

Like or dislike them, fan-made villains like Bowsette and Eggette will possibly be censored in EU countries by Article 13, which was often called the "meme killer" by critics. This was why Bowsette and Eggette are portrayed as deceased characters as depicted by their gravestones.

The internet we grew up with and the memes are not really dead, but it will be largely censored rather, especially when the current upload filters are not perfect in identifying copyright infringement, which may result in internet uploads being wrongfully removed, and that is not what netizens want.

Also, this controversial copyright reform could potentially threaten to hinder the spread of the Bible scriptures on the internet as well, as the Bible is one of the most important books in history, and is the reason for the rise of democracy. Therefore, we must find ways to spread the Bible scriptures to the ends of the earth through the internet without violating any copyright whatsoever.

Update: The European Union Copyright Directive came into force, but I am still around. I guess I can continue to be a content creator for now...

Saturday 9 March 2019

Then and Now

Fun Facts: The first generation Honda City rolled off the assembly line as a hatchback. Honda retired the "City" name in 1993, only to revive the usage of the name as a sedan in 1996. The "City" name was never reused in Japan, however.

During the first generation Honda City's production run, which ran from 1981 to 1986, Jaleco created an arcade game called City Connection, which was released in 1985 and had a Honda City as the player's vehicle. Interestingly, City Connection, who currently owns the rights to Jaleco's intellectual properties after Game Yarou's bankruptcy, was named after the 1985 arcade game of the same name.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Anime woes

Forget about #JusticeForWaluigi. We should be supporting #JusticeForAshKetchum instead, because Ash Ketchum was actually named after Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri, and he is also a shounen protagonist that is partially owned by Nintendo. Yet Nintendo and the anime studio that made the Pokemon TV series portrayed him as a low intelligence person, and did not even give him a chance to win any Pokemon League that was featured in the Pokemon games other than the Orange Island Pokemon League, which never appeared in the Pokemon games.

However, the Pokemon Adventures manga, which had the darkest incarnation of the Pokemon world, was actually the closest to being the most faithful to the Pokemon world that Satoshi Tajiri originally envisioned, and he actually endorsed it. That could explain Pokemon being a very dangerous series, if the official Pokemon books are any indication. No wonder the Pokemon TV series production crew did not want Ash to win any of the Pokemon Leagues featured in the Pokemon games. But it could have been worse.

Gen Urobuchi, the director of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, does not even care about the sufferings of magical girls, because he did not even watch any magical girl anime at all. Therefore, Nintendo should never hire Gen Urobuchi to be a director of the Pokemon anime at all, because if Urobuchi did become director for the Pokemon TV series, there could be a possible scene where Ash Ketchum finally perishes, with blood being spilled, and this can leave preteen audiences scarred for life. No wonder so many people dislike Gen Urobuchi a lot. In fact, I would like to see Kyubey finally suffer retribution from anime fans worldwide for all the teenage girls that he tricked, because the witches in Puella Magi Madoka Magica were actually magical girls that succumbed to despair.

Speaking of magical girls, Sakura Kinomoto's quest in Cardcaptor Sakura was actually due to the backstory events in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. It was revealed in chapter 220 that because of Fei Wong Reed's death seal being activated on Princess Sakura and Nadeshiko having to stop time and dying in the process, Clow Reed had to be king of Clow Country, which later on led to his soul splitting in two, and this happened before the events of Cardcaptor Sakura. Of course Sakura Kinomoto actually ended up assisting Clone Sakura in her quest to find Real "Sakura", as seen in Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations and chapters 217 and 224. (Spoilers: Real "Sakura" and Real "Syaoran" turned out to be Princess Tsubasa and Tsubasa Li respectively.)

The Sacred Jewel in Inuyasha turning out to be evil all along that Kagome had to wish for the destruction of the jewel itself actually makes sense, because no good has ever came out of it at all, and it does not even help when Kaede classifies the Sacred Jewel as an unholy jewel that should never have existed.

For those who want anime and manga characters in Super Smash Bros, we should abide to Masahiro Sakurai's policy stating that it is impossible for manga characters to join Super Smash Bros because manga and anime can sometimes be too violent for even a crossover fighting game. Maybe this is why manga and anime studios cannot cooperate with Nintendo, other than licensing issues of course, especially when Super Smash Bros is made possible through the cooperation of all parties involved.

Update 1: Ash Ketchum finally won a Pokemon League at the end of the Alola Arc, ending a 22 year losing streak. The #JusticeForAshKetchum campaign did pay off after all. However, Ash Ketchum's namesake, Satoshi Tajiri, did not give a single congratulatory response to Ash Ketchum winning a Pokemon League, unlike Junichi Masuda and Veronica Taylor, who have already sent their congratulatory responses. Either the Pokemon creator wants to distance himself from the protagonist that was named after him, or he has moved on to other interests, such as Little Town Hero, which could possibly be better than Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Update 2: The Ash Ketchum Arc has officially ended, and it ended with "Next Time, A New Beginning". It's unknown if he will even appear in Pokemon Horizons in any form, including possible flashbacks that Liko will potentially have. Who knows what secrets Liko's pendant contains...

Monday 4 February 2019

Bacon Mania

How bacon mania became so popular on the internet in the past 15 years in spite of obstacles will remain a mystery.

This year, the Lunar Festival will usher in the Year of the Pig, and there's no other better way to usher it in than to talk about bacon.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Double Execution

Author's note: This comic was supposed to be uploaded before the launch of Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy for the Playstation 4 as it was created before the game's launch.

Blame Bobby Kotick for bringing Activision's intellectual properties to near total ruin, with Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, the Call of Duty series and Blizzard Entertainment being the ones worst affected by Kotick's bad management. Especially when Activision's focus on the Call of Duty series was the real reason for the decline of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon. This was the reason this comic has gun barrels pointed at Crash Bandicoot and Dr Neo Cortex, as both are facing execution, hence the comic's title name.

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