Wednesday 22 July 2020

Female Japanese School Uniform Cliches

There are many overrated costumes in Japanese pop culture, with female school uniforms being one of the most notable examples.

The female school uniform we are all familiar with is called the "sailor fuku." It is a school uniform worn mostly by female middle school students, and attracts a lot of attention in anime. In high school, however, it is mostly replaced by the blazer uniform, which also attracts similar attention in some anime shows and video games.

Female sports attire used to have skimpy shorts called buruma, which is Japanese for bloomers. For looking like panties, the buruma became popular with various anime fanbases. However, at the end of the 1990s, they were eventually phased out in favour of sports shorts that provided more modesty in many schools throughout Japan. Therefore, the bloomers that looked like panties are considered "old-fashioned." Yet, female athletes taking part in athletics competitions are still wearing them.

The school swimsuit seen in various anime is called the "sukumizu." Both the "old type" and the "new type" have gained a lot of attention from anime fanbases, and the "new type" would actually be more suitable for swimming competitions, including swimming competitions featured in video games. If one is seen wearing a sukumizu to the beach when it does not involve a school field trip to the beach, either the person is modest or immature, depending on how you look at her.

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