Friday 24 July 2020

Volleyball Shorts

Female volleyball shorts are known to be skin tight and sometimes skimpy. Sometimes they even look like panties. But they have to be that way for freedom of movement. This resulted in female volleyball shorts being subjected to internet fanservice. Here are five different variations of female volleyball shorts.

1. These shorts that look like panties are common in Japanese pop culture, with various anime and the NES Volleyball game being the most notable examples.

2. A common variation of female volleyball shorts. Offers freedom of movement as they resemble hipster panties. Commonly seen in several volleyball video games originating from Japan.

3. The most common variation of female volleyball shorts, and the type worn in many real life volleyball competitions. While it offers better modesty than shorts that look like panties, there were complaints that this type of shorts was still too skimpy. That's because the shorts look like boyshorts panties.

4. A pair of female volleyball shorts that offers better modesty than most female volleyball shorts. This pair of shorts should be the type that should be worn in volleyball competitions.

5. The female volleyball shorts that offers the best modesty. This type is the very definition of modesty shorts, and could potentially be the type that should be worn in volleyball competitions.

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