Saturday 25 July 2020

Philips CD-i Nintendo Games

When Nintendo dumped Sony in favour of a partnership with Philips, which eventually turned sour, resulting in the demise of a proposed CD add-on for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, what Nintendo left behind was an unpleasant legacy that they would rather forget to the point they were all but lost in the historical records of video game history.

The internet, however, had different plans for the Mario and Zelda games that were launched for the Philips CD-i. In 2006, YouTube users started uploading video footage of Philips CD-i Mario and Zelda games, creating a new genre of internet content that internet historians call "YouTube Poop." Back then, copyright law was not as strict as compared to now. Even then, Nintendo wants to forget about Hotel Mario and the Philips CD-i Legend of Zelda games, which means content creators who create YouTube Poop videos using content from the Philips CD-i Nintendo games are classified as compliant with the Fair Use Act.

Even as times change, and not for the better, the legacy of the Philips CD-i Nintendo games will continue to live on, as long as there are people who are willing to acknowledge their existence, and the memes that were created from them.

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