Tuesday 7 July 2020

The Last Charge of the M113 APCs

While 2020 has been turning out to be a bad year, one American icon turns sixty this year. The M113 armoured personnel carrier not only served the Americans that built it, but it has served many other factions, including the Singapore Armed Forces. However, the M113 was only relevant during the Cold War and the 1990s. Asymmetrical warfare and new advancements in technology have rendered the M113 all but obsolete. Yet, there are thousands of M113s still in service, with thousands more in storage.

Even when they are obsolete and being phased out in some countries, the M113 is still currently in use with NATO members and their allies, and surprisingly, it's still in service with the US Army after sixty years. An incredible feat for an armoured fighting vehicle that entered service in the US Army in 1960.

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