Tuesday 14 July 2020

Ownerless Momopie

Fun Fact: Keyholder Inc began as Sigma Enterprises Inc. Sigma Enterprises Inc entered video games in 1980, created the Game Boy game Painter Momopie in 1990, exited the industry in 1992, and later renamed themselves to Adores Inc in 2000. In 2017, the original Adores Inc changed their name to Keyholder Inc, and the current Adores Inc exists as a separate entity. In 2018, Keyholder relinquished ownership of Adores Inc to Wide Leisure.

If you can understand why Momopie has a sad face, it's because nobody knows who now owns the rights to Painter Momopie as a result of Sigma Enterprises Inc exiting video games, changing their name two times, and relinquishing ownership of a separate company that carries one of its owner's old names.

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