Monday 20 July 2020

Rejected Pikmin Treasures

While there are many treasures in the Pikmin games that are based on real life objects, not all treasures based on real life objects made the cut for the final versions of any Pikmin game. Here are five objects that were left out of both Pikmin 2 and Hey! Pikmin.

Striped bikini: Japan's obsession with striped lingerie, in particular, striped panties, may have made striped bikinis popular as well. But Nintendo does not want anything that could give any of their games a "Mature" rating.

Bloomers: In Japan, bloomers looked like panties, which could explain why they're so popular in Japanese pop culture. Similarly to the striped bikini, the bloomers could potentially cause a game to get a "Mature" rating.

Floppy disk: If Olimar and his Pikmin friends could come across Famicom Disk System disks, NES cartridges, Game Boy cartridges, an SD card, a computer mouse, and many other electronics components, why a floppy disk was not included in either Pikmin 2 or Hey! Pikmin, we do not know.

Vitamin jar: Dr Mario is a game where you use coloured megavitamins to eliminate viruses of the same colour. Nintendo could have included an empty jar with the coloured pills label still on it in either Pikmin 2 or Hey! Pikmin, to add a reference to Dr Mario, but they chose not to, probably for reasons why the "Arboreal Frippery" had its colour changed from green to red for the European/Australian version of Pikmin 2.

Axe head: We all know the story of how Elisha caused an axe head to float. Therefore, an axe head should have been one of the treasures in Pikmin 2. But there are many problems with having a treasure based on an axe head. Axe heads are heavy, and would probably need to be carried by Purple Pikmin. If the axe head is in water, only Blue Pikmin can retreive the axe head as they do not drown unlike other coloured Pikmin. Also, axes are sharp, and the blade area would hurt anyone who touches it. With all these problems, the axe head had to be omitted from the final version of Pikmin 2.

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