Tuesday 13 June 2023

Friendship Killers

If Nintendo's broken copyright system isn't bad enough to make you boycott them, then the friendships that they have destroyed since the launch of the very first Mario Party game will surely make you wished you had boycotted them when you had the chance to do so.

If the Super Smash Bros series was a war, it would have been a war that lasted longer than the two World Wars combined. Not to mention that Super Smash Bros came out over a month after the first Mario Party game was released, and that was only the Japanese version. In fact, when Mario Party was released in Western markets, it started destroying friendships and family fun. If that was not enough, Mario Party got involved in a hand injury controversy so bad that the game was never to be re-released on the Virtual Console's N64 emulators for both Wii and Wii U, and its re-release had to wait until months after the Nintendo Switch Online's N64 emulator went live. Talk about creating a product so sinister that it was denied of a re-release for over two decades...

If there was any item that Mario Kart players hate most, it's the blue spiny shell. It always targets whoever is in first place, essentially destroying their lead. Starting from Mario Kart 7 onwards, it started knocking others who were not the intended target, and it became an item in Super Smash Bros starting from the 3DS and Wii U versions.

Even on non-video game media like card games and board games, Nintendo is not safe from being antagonized for destroying friendships. UNO was notorious for ruining friendships in many ways, and so did Monopoly. Both UNO and Monopoly had Nintendo versions as well. Well played, Nintendo. You just made lots of enemies through ruining friendships and carrying out legal actions against intellectual property piracy.

Nintendo games and characters © Nintendo.

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