Thursday 1 June 2023

Slapping Denial

Hands grabbing Jenova's appendage and telling her enough, from left to right: Yuna (Final Fantasy X), Kazuya Mishima (Tekken), Doom Slayer (Doom), Goku (Dragon Ball Z), Needles Kane (Twisted Metal).

In the penultimate boss battle of Final Fantasy VII, Jenova slaps her enemies with her appendages, and she slaps hard. That's why in this comic, various characters are grabbing the appendage of this evil matriarch responsible for masterminding all of Sephiroth's villainy.

I can understand that Yuna is from a different Final Fantasy game, but she made her stance crystal clear that she stands with Cloud and his friends against Sephiroth, Professor Hojo and Jenova.

If Kazuya found out that Professor Hojo, like Jenova, was also another mastermind behind Sephiroth's villainy, in addition to the mad genius being a terrible father who could be worse than Kazuya's father Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya is going to get Professor Hojo dead for sure...

Doom Slayer would mistake Jenova for a Cacodemon from the Doom series. Goku prefers to punish villains such as Jenova by teaching them the error of their ways, and when that doesn't succeed, he will have to wipe them off from the face of the planet.

Needles Kane would just be somebody who suspects that Jenova was colluding with the malevolent purple head responsible for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

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