Thursday 22 June 2023

How we got to Nuclear War...

In my honest opinion, Germany is not a rotten country. However, Germany has been a pawn of a rotten system that hates freedom of expression...

If you want to know who is masterminding all the cease and desists against fair use and fair dealing, keep in mind that Germany's shadow government has always hated America and democracy even before the start of World War 1. This shadow government was also the mastermind behind the two World Wars, and will start a third World War by going on a warpath against a dictatorial madman. All they need is a strongman who knows dark sentences. One who will be more nefarious than the warmongers that started World War 2. This tyrant will demand that fair use and fair dealing be banned, issue a shut down order to the soup kitchens that issue free food to homeless people, and outlaw the true Gospel in Germany, Europe and possibly the whole world. He will, however, make the fatal mistake of launching a full scale assault on a conglomerate of rogue states led by Russia and China. The end result was a global nuclear war that can only be halted by the return of Christ, who will then terminate this tyrant who knows dark sentences by deporting him to the lake of hellfire before obliterating all the legions sent to destroy Christ. Only then will freedom come to Germany, but it came at a ridiculously high price...

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