Thursday 8 June 2023

Stab The Jerk 3

Weapons stabbing Gary Oak, from left to right: Dragon Slayer (Berserk), Dark Repulser (Sword Art Online), Lionheart (MapleStory).

Yet another comic about Ash's original nemesis Gary being stabbed? Looks like I really hate Professor Oak's grandson a lot, even if he was named after Shigeru Miyamoto...

Then again, I think Gary Oak must die over 9000 times for humiliating Ash Ketchum and tormenting millions of Pokemon players. Even if Ash Ketchum turns out to be a Zainichi Korean, his namesake Satoshi Tajiri a sympathizer of Zainichi Koreans, and over half of Zainichi Koreans confirmed to be communist sympathizers, the injustices Gary Oak did to Ash Ketchum outweigh the Zainichi Koreans' sympathy towards communism. And I don't care if Gary Oak's death will result in Waluigi becoming playable in a future Super Smash Bros title or erase Mario's existence. I still think the end of the Ash Ketchum Arc of the Pokemon TV series did no justice for the Pokemon fanbase.

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