Wednesday 7 June 2023

Lamentation about Justice

Remember when justice was all about giving wicked evildoers a proper punishment? I do. Unfortunately, justice has lost its meaning because leftists seek to use the good name of justice not to demand power for the oppressed but to turn the tables on the oppressors. Leftists have been looking for opportunity to take offense and cling to every grievance, no matter how small or how long ago. In contrast, the Bible commands us not to harbor grievances, but according to 1 Corinthians 13:5, we are to keep no record of wrongs and in Matthew 5:44, we should instead love and pray for those who persecute us.

Sadly, humanity has never learned the lessons of the Bible. Whereas the Gospels instruct us to love our enemies and even die for them, and not kill them, the Crusades did not abide to the rules of the Gospel. Instead, the Crusaders slaughtered their enemies without any regard to the instructions found in the Bible.

In recent decades, awareness had been raised about Japan's war crimes, from the Nanjing Massacre, to the Comfort Women and possibly the mistreatment of Zainichi Koreans. Even noble causes have started to lose popularity in the wake of leftists taking over this particular cause and other noble causes calling for justice.

Even if we wish for wicked evildoers to perish, when they do perish, rejoicing over their demise may not be all that great, for there will be others who wish for these wicked evildoers to perish for reasons different from us, and they will take advantage of us. In other words, be careful what you wish for. We could end up creating a far worse situation than whatever misdeeds the wicked evildoers that we greatly dislike are capable of.

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